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Unesa.ac.id - Surabaya Foot odor arising from the use of socks is one of the problems that we often encounter. Foot odor itself is caused by an increase in temperature which causes bacteria to develop and degrade leucine produced by sweat and produce isovaleric acid compounds. From these problems this research idea emerged.
Under the guidance of Rusmini S.Pd. M.Sc. a student majoring in Chemistry at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA) consisting of Finna Ashfia Fidelia Yustisia A. and Devy Puspita Sari made a new breakthrough namely utilizing coffee grounds and lime peel waste into an anti-bacterial foot spray in the event of the Student Creativity Program in the Field of Exact Research (PKM-PE).
The selection of the two ingredients is also not without reason. There are several reasons that support the use of these two materials for reprocessing in the PKM-PE program. One reason is the rise of coffee shops that have only thrown away coffee waste away while in fact coffee grounds have some active compounds such as phenolics flavonoids and natural anti-bacterial substances that have the potential to overcome foot odor. On the other hand research on the use of herbal plants as an anti-bacterial alternative is also underway. One of them is about lime. In addition to the fruit lime peel also has anti-bacterial activity because it contains flavonoid compounds that can inhibit bacterial growth.
In the process the two wastes are extracted first in order to obtain active compounds then mixed with a spray base so produce anti-bacterial foot spray. "Utilization of lime peel waste and coffee grounds is considered effective to overcome the problem of foot odor because it still contains active flavonoid compounds. This is because these compounds can inhibit bacterial growth & rdquo; Finna said as the head of the research team. From this research in the future it is hoped that foot spray can be a solution to the problem of foot odor that arises especially for socks users who are increasingly here. (ay)
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