Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA–Faculty Education Sciences (FIP) Surabaya State University (UNESA) held Halalbihalal Idul Fitri 1445 H on Monday, April 22 2024 at the Ki Hajar Dewantara FIP Hall, Campus 2 Lidah Wetan.
Activity with the theme "Purify the Heart, Strengthen the Brotherhood for Developing FIP HANDAL (Harmonious, Trustworthy, Nationalist, Disciplined, Adaptive, Loyal)" was attended by 346 academics, consisting of leaders, lecturers, active and retired educational staff, and students.
Dean of FIP , Prof. Dr. Mochamad Nursalim, M.Si., in his speech said that this halalbihalal activity is the right momentum to celebrate victory and an opportunity to strengthen faith and get closer to Allah SWT.
"Today we gather to forgive each other, repair broken relationships, and strengthen ties. 2024 is also a challenging year for UNESA PTN-BH. "Hopefully this activity can also be our momentum to further strengthen UNESA PTNBH," he said.
The Dean of FIP gave his speech regarding the importance of halalbihalal and education month as an important part of the faculty's contribution to pushing UNESA's progress PTN-BH
The chief executive of FIP Education Month, Syunu Trihantoyo, S.Pd., M.Pd., conveyed the theme of this year's education month, namely "Education for Transformation: UNESA FIP Action Towards a Golden Indonesia 2045."
"Education Month is a routine agenda carried out by FIP to commemorate Education Day every May 2. "The series of activities that will be held include, among other things, fun and healthy walks, student work titles, scientific platforms and national seminars," he explained.
Deputy Chancellor for Education, Student Affairs and Alumni , Prof. Dr. Madlazim, M.Si., on this occasion also conveyed his message regarding the month of education which is important to carry out.
"Our current education still prioritizes graduates who go straight to work, even though the available job opportunities out there are not comparable with the number of existing graduates. "Therefore, education plays an important role, apart from morals and competence, contribution is also important," he said.
Kiai Ahsanul Haq gave a sermon about the primacy of praying to Allah SWT in halalbihalal FIP
Next, The activity was filled with tausiyah by the Deputy Chair of BAZNAS East Java, Drs. K.H. Ahsanul Haq, M.Pd.I. The tausiyah given is about the explanation of Surah Maryam verses 4-6. The verse in this letter describes the anxiety of the Prophet Zakaria AS, who was tested by Allah, until he was old and had not yet been blessed with a son.
However, the Prophet Zakaria AS, who was already old, did not give up praying to Allah to be given offspring. Both parents always pray to Allah so that their child will become a pious and pious child. Because every child who performs worship, the reward given will also flow to both parents.
"Therefore, never stop praying to Allah, pray for our children to become pious and pious children, so that they will be rewarded "It will continue to flow to them and us, as the Prophet Zakaria AS continues to pray for," said Kiai Ahsanul Haq.
This activity was closed with a friendly gathering and distribution of door prizes with the main prize being several bicycles to civitas academica FIP is lucky.[]
Reporter: Erza Angelia Putri (Fisipol)
Editor: @zam*< /p>
Photo: Public Relations Team Documentation
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