The UNESA Chancellor's Cup Rock Climbing Championship was enthusiastically attended by participants from various regions.
Unesa., SURABAYA—The 2024 UNESA Rector Cup Rock Climbing Competition has officially ended on Saturday, July 27 2024 evening in the courtyard of the Rectorate Building, UNESA II Lidah Wetan Campus, Surabaya. The event which was held for three days was very lively and full of enthusiasm from the participants and spectators.
Head of the Competition Division of the Indonesian Rock Climbing Federation (FPTI) for the City of Surabaya, Arif Pradana, said that this rock climbing competition was a competition which was held for the first time by Himapala UNESA in 2024 after not holding a similar event for many years.
He said that the UNESA Climbing Competition this time was considered successful, because it had attracted the interest of athletes from all over Java and Bali. In total there were around 270 athletes from all UKM, communities and the general public who registered to take part in this competition.
"I also paid attention to the readiness of the participants who had shown their best performance, while for the committee I noticed that everyone was very good the preparation (well-prepared). "The competition should have been held for 4-5 days with a very large number of participants, but it can be shortened to just 3 days," he said.
The competition final was attended by hundreds of spectators, including students, alumni and residents of Surabaya it got even hotter when the athletes struggled on the climbing wall to reach the top position in the lead climbing, bouldering and speed climbing categories. With the end of this competition, he hopes to advance the spirit of the sport of rock climbing for the entire younger generation.
In the championship, in the Lead U-13 Boys category, 1st place was won by Satria Abdul Jabbar from Wilmar RHC Gresik, the champion 2nd place was won by Achmad Fawwaz Al-Farisi from FPTI Lamongan, and 3rd place was won by Aufa Reihan Prasetya from Toke' Club Denpasar.
Meanwhile, in the Female U-13 Lead category, 1st place was won by Martha Zulfia Rahman from Wilmar RHC Gresik, 2nd place was won by Syaura Mutiara Khadijah from Wilmar RHC Gresik, and 3rd place was won by Marstya Salimah Jilanafrah Asaini from FPTI Bantul.
Next, in the Lead category U-19 Men, 1st place was won by Noval Bayu Wardhana from ECC Surabaya, 2nd place was won by Bomantara Bintang Prayuda from Exotic Probolinggo, and 3rd place was won by Rizky Aditya from PPOP DKI Jakarta.
Meanwhile, at Female U-19 Lead category, 1st place was won by Indie Maharanee from MBCC FPTI Badung Bali, 2nd place was won by Mayra Azalia Nabila from Wilmar RHC Gresik, and 3rd place was won by Naura Jinan Syarifah from Puslatda DIY-FPTI Bantul.
Then, in the Mapala Men's Lead category, 1st place was won by Muhammad Fauzan Rahman from Makopala Budi Luhur University, 2nd place was won by Achmad Abdi Kamal Maulana from MPA Jonggring Salaka, and 3rd place was won by I Gusti Ngurah Bayu Segara from Mapala Cakra Buwana.
Meanwhile, in the Female Lead Mapala category, 1st place was won by Ade Andriani from Makopala, 2nd place was won by Sadidah Muallifah from ITL Trisakti PPLM DKI Jakarta, and 3rd place was won by Rahma Sahara Juhartoyo from PLH ITS Cycle.
Next, in the Men's General Lead category, 1st place was won by Himalaya from MBCC FPTI Bali, 2nd place was won by Alamsyah Cahya Cakradiningrat from Mupalaa Climbing Academy, and 3rd place was won by Athaya Khairul Anas from FPTI Bantul.
Satria Abdul Jabar, one of the athletes from the Wilmar RHC Gresik Contingent managed to win first place after showing his agility and endurance. He admitted that he was anxious and worried that he would fall faster than his opponent when climbing. However, she can overcome this by practicing breathing techniques and warming up before the competition starts.
Meanwhile, in the U19 category, Indie Maharanee, a female athlete from MBCC FPTI Badung Bali, said that during the competition she was very enthusiastic. even though it was his turn to compete during the day.
He had been preparing for this competition for a week before the competition, including regular practice climbing lit and boulders. Indie hopes to have the opportunity to take part in the next competitions even better.(*)
Reporter: Fionna Ayu Shabrina (FMIPA), and Putri Ayu Fatmawati (Internship )
Editor: @zam*
Photo: UNESA PR Team
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