This sharing agenda is a form of commitment and togetherness between Apsi-LPTK members in strengthening their roles and contributions to society and the country.
Unesa. AC ID. SURABAYA—Faculty of Psychology (FPsi) Surabaya State University (UNESA) hosted a Sharing on Strengthening and Accelerating the Establishment of the General Psychology Professional Study Program at the FPsi Building, Campus 2 Lidah Wetan, Surabaya on Monday, October 7 2024.
Activities led by the General Chair of the Indonesian Psychological Association (HIMPSI), Andik Matulessy, was attended by a number of representatives from seven state universities or PTNs who are members of the Association of Psychological Education Organizers for Educational Personnel Educational Institutions (APsi-LPTK).
This sharing is intended to accelerate the establishment of Professional Psychologist Education programs in every PTN. Andik Matulessy conveyed HIMPSI's full support for accelerating the establishment of the Psychologist Professional Education program in all PTNs that are part of the APsi-LPTK.
"HIMPSI strongly supports this initiative as a strategic step to meet the need for professional and competent psychologists in Indonesia ," he stressed. He emphasized the importance of collaboration between PTN and HIMPSI in ensuring that each study program can meet national and international accreditation standards.
He provided direction on how HIMPSI can play a role in overcoming these obstacles, such as facilitating lecturer training, speeding up the process certification, as well as bridging collaboration with psychology practitioner institutions.
"Collaboration between universities, HIMPSI, and related parties is the key to presenting a quality and accredited professional program. We will continue to support PTN in every step of developing this program, " he said.
FPsi UNESA as the host also provided views on the important role of professional education in responding to the challenges of the increasing need for psychological services.
"We hope that through this sharing, every PTN can "accelerate the steps for establishing professional programs and learn from each other's experiences," said Diana Rahmasari, Dean of FPsi UNESA and Chair of APsi-LPTK.
Furthermore, representatives from each PTN conveyed the developments and challenges they faced in the process of establishing a Professional Psychologist Education program. Several obstacles, such as the availability of lecturers with psychologist qualifications, supporting infrastructure, and the need for cooperation with related agencies, were the main topics of discussion.
FPsi UNESA, as the host, also expressed its commitment to continue to play an active role in supporting this process. The event closed with the hope that the synergy between HIMPSI and PTN in APsi-LPTK can run more intensively and sustainably.
"This collaboration is an important step to advance the psychology profession in Indonesia, as well as ensuring graduates of professional psychologist programs are ready to make a contribution real for society," concluded the dean of FPsi UNESA.
This meeting resulted in several important agreements to accelerate the establishment of the Professional Psychologist Education program at PTN APsi-LPTK, including strengthening cooperation between universities in curriculum development, increasing staff competency teachers, as well as speeding up the program accreditation process.
This meeting was attended by representatives from Malang State University (UM), Jakarta State University (UNJ), Yogyakarta State University (UNY), Makassar State University (UNM), Education University Indonesia (UPI), Semarang State University (UNNES), and host Surabaya State University (UNESA).[*]
Author and Photo: UNESA Psychology Faculty Team
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