Michele Simons, professor from WSU (red) with FIP leadership and OIA UNESA representatives after a guest lecture which was combined with a focus group discussion on learning innovations and teacher training for literacy and numeracy.
Unesa.ac.id. , SURABAYA—Faculty of Education (FIP) Surabaya State University (UNESA) presented experts from Western Sydney University (WSU) Australia in a guest lecture at FIP, on Saturday, 16 November 2024.
The guest lecture which brought in Michele Simons, WSU professor and literacy expert, was attended by Masters and Doctoral students from FIP. On that occasion, Simons explained about 'Practice in Teacher Training' or Practice in Teacher Training.
He explained that there are several things that teachers need to pay attention to. First, consider the application of work-based learning (work based learning). This learning model is integrated with work (work-integrated learning), which aims to equip students with work skills, career awareness and career preparation.
Secondly, teachers must look for new ways such as contribution and complementarity in the classroom. Contribution in this case is related to their activeness in asking questions from their own experiences. Complementarity concerns how a teacher can match practical and theoretical lessons to make things easier for students.
"How well a teacher or mentor, learner, learning facility, or leader can integrate practical and theoretical learning, that will bring influence," he said.
Apart from that, he also conveyed learning curriculum, pedagogy and management training for teachers. Along with this, he shares the research he is doing. He hopes that there will be students or lecturers from UNESA who can take part in his research related to the early childhood curriculum.
Representative of the UNESA Office of International Affairs (OIA), Wulan Patria Saroinsong hopes that this activity will become a way for research collaboration between UNESA and WSU. This will also have a good influence on the internationalization of the institution.
"Hopefully research can be established between Michele Simons and FIP lecturers or students, even better when the research can be well-streamlined, so that the community can feel the impact," hopefully.[*]
Reporter: Fatimah Najmus Shofa (FBS)
Editor: @zam*
Photo : Team FIP
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