unesa.ac.id. SURABAYA On October 21 2024, Internal Monitoring and Evaluation (Monev) activities for the 2024 Independent Campus Competition Program were carried out for the Bachelor of Accounting and Bachelor of Educational Technology study programs. Monev is divided into two, namely the audit of the Undergraduate Accounting Study Program by Ayunita Leliana, S.S., M.Pd, as Head of the Audit and Monev Division, while the Bachelor of Education Technology Study Program is audited by the Director of BPM, Dr. Widowati Budijastuti, M.Sc.
Each study program taskforce team conveyed the achievements and progress as well as the impact resulting from this PKKM Program grant. This Monev activity has several main objectives, including: 1. Assessing Grant Implementation: Assessing the extent to which the Bachelor of Accounting and Bachelor of Educational Technology study programs have implemented grant activities in accordance with the plans that have been set, 2. Identification of Constraints: Identifying the obstacles faced by each study program in implementing grants and finding appropriate solutions, 3. Recommendations for Improvement: Providing recommendations for improvement and development of the program in the future so that more effective and efficient, said the Director of BPM, Dr. Widowati Budijastuti, M.Si.

The results of the Internal Monitoring and Evaluation show that both study programs have carried out grant activities well, but there are several results that must be discussed with the University management team. The results of the audit need to be discussed further in the Curriculum Review Meeting with the Management Team of the Directorate of Educational Transformation and TP. The Bachelor of Accounting and Bachelor of Educational Technology study programs have shown high commitment in implementing the MBKM program, and have succeeded in mobilizing students to actively participate in the activities held. It is hoped that this Monev activity will not only be an evaluation event, but also a strategic step to advance higher quality and sustainable education.
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