Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA–The Department of English Language and Literature UNESA will hold The 6th English Teaching Conference 2021 online on Saturday, November 20, 2021. The national-scale conference carries the theme “The Future of English Language Learning and Literature: A Reflection of the Pandemic”.
The conference is an annual activity organized by the Department of English Language and Literature UNESA as an effort to provide space for English academics and researchers to share knowledge related to their experiences and teaching through seminar sessions and parallel sessions.
The sixth English Teaching Conference was opened by Dr. Mintowati, M.Pd. as Vice Dean for Academic Affairs, Faculty of Languages and Arts. Around 172 participants and 43 speakers from various educational institutions participated in this conference. In addition, four main speakers were presented to share knowledge in the field of Teaching and English Literature.
The speaker in question is Prof. Arnold Agustijn, Director ASEAN EDUCATION Group and Anglia Netherland; Gilang Asri Devianty, M.Pd., M.A., English teacher at SMP Negeri 2 Cileunyi; Ahmad Munir, M.Ed., Ph.D, Head of the UNESA English Education Study Program; and Dr. Widyastuti, M.Pd., Literary Translator for Children's English Literature Program UNESA.
Sueb, S.Pd., M.Pd., as the Chief Executive of The 6th English Teaching Conference stated that the focus of the conference held this year was about innovation, resilience, and transformation in English during the pandemic. In addition, teachers are also invited to reflect on what teaching strategies and practices will be carried out during and later after this pandemic ends.
The enthusiasm of academics and English students both from UNESA and outside UNESA can be seen from the number of Abstract and Full Papers of research related to the fields of education and literature. It was recorded that 43 presenters participated in sharing knowledge related to their research through ten parallel spaces which were divided into two sessions.
As Chair of the Committee for this national conference, Sueb thanked the keynote speakers who were committed to sharing their perspectives on teaching English, reflective studies in teaching practice, dynamics of translation research, and teacher professional development. (UNESA PR)
Author: azmi
Editor: @zam*
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