Unesa.ac.id., SURABAYA—The Public Administration Study Program (Prodi), Faculty of Social and Legal Sciences (FISH) collaborates with the United States Consulate General (US Consulate General) in Surabaya to hold lectures 'Public Diplomacy' guest at the FISH Auditorium, Monday, 30 October 2023.
Through this activity, student participants learned directly with Joshua Shen as Public Affairs Officer, US Consul General in Surabaya. This annual activity is intended to equip students with insight into public diplomacy.
In the material session, Joshua Shen conveyed his experience in bridging Indonesia and the United States through his position. He also said that public diplomacy in the United States is carried out in various ways:
First, the exchange program which provides a public diplomacy forum to inform and influence foreigners such as YSEALI, Education USA, and others.
Second, grants or grants, provide funds of 10,000 USD or more to an organization in Indonesia to invest in a program that is believed to be large and have a big influence in the future. Such as environmental programs, Science Workshop for Teachers, and so on.
Third, press and social media, to spread information or awareness, providing media and journalism training from the US. To speak to the public about their country through social media and journalistic channels.
Fourth, American spaces is a space for learning American culture and there is a program where they can learn storytelling, the environment, language, the "fight against hoax" program, and all cultural values about America.

The Coordinator of the State Administration Science Undergraduate Study Program, Eva Hany Fanida, S.AP., M.AP., in her speech said that this annual activity was intended to open direct learning space with professionals about public diplomacy that is closely related to the course; Communication and Policy Advocacy.
He continued, this activity is also part of efforts to encourage the internationalization of faculties and universities. "This year our study program is applying for AQAS Germany international accreditation, that's why we are aggressively increasing internationalization," he said.
He hopes that this guest lecture can motivate students to deepen their skills in the field of public administration and that with the synergy-internationalization of the program it can open up opportunities for students and lecturers to study abroad, especially in the United States.
Dean of FISH, Dr. Bambang Sigit Widodo, M.Pd., said that it is important for FISH students to understand insights and trends in public diplomacy, especially those from the State Administration Science study program. Public diplomacy is a breakthrough when conventional diplomacy is considered obsolete.
"Nowadays, the media is not the only channel for conveying information. This public diplomacy is becoming a trend, because not only citizens are represented by the state, but also by the private sector, non-government organizations and stakeholders who related," he said. []
Reporter: Rafa Afifa Maharani
Editor: @zam Alasiah*
Photo: Public Relations Team Documentation < /p>
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