Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA–The Ministry of Youth and Sports (Kemenpora) of the Republic of Indonesia together with the State University of Surabaya (UNESA) held an 'Entrepreneurship Lecture: Young Generation Working' in the Auditorium, 11th Floor, Rectorate Building, Lidah Wetan Campus, on Friday, October 13 2023.
Vice Chancellor for Academic, Student and Alumni Affairs, Prof. Dr. Madlazim, M.Si., said that UNESA PTN-BH has a vision of becoming a strong, adaptive and innovative state higher education based on entrepreneurship. This spirit is manifested in academic and non-academic programs.
Apart from that, it also colors UNESA's strategy to become an advanced and independent campus through transformation in the business sector. Also, lecturers and students are given strengthening in the form of entrepreneurship skills both through courses, MBKM and public lectures like those carried out.
"We encourage students to understand business opportunities and creative industries in their respective fields, by "Today's progress is no matter what market segmentation there is. Like the sports sector, for example, there are many business opportunities that can be exploited. Entrepreneurship is not difficult. As long as you want to learn and keep learning," said the FMIPA professor.
Similarly, Deputy for Youth Development at the Indonesian Ministry of Youth and Sports, Dr. Raden Isnanta, M.Pd., said that sport is not just about ability and physicality. More than that, in sports there are entrepreneurial businesses such as sports equipment, coaching services, sports consultants, and even marketplaces for merchandise. In this way, empowerment of the sports market will be even better in the future.
"Students must be able to create brilliant innovations so that the sports market in Indonesia is not taken by other parties. Don't just dream of becoming a workforce, you also have to able to create business and employment opportunities for others," he said.

This agenda was attended by three presenters. First, Maulana Derifato Achmad, CEO and founder of myECO Indonesia. He gave tips on how to set up a company. The first step you can take is to start from where you are. Second, by using all the access you have to build your business.
Third, by doing what you can do first. After that, start time management and finally, utilize the network of connections and positions you have.
Furthermore, this man who recently graduated explained, before starting a company, students must be able to manage themselves. As a student and entrepreneur, the term 'buying time' is needed to make 'one day more than 24 hours'.
For example, when there are college assignments and business needs that cannot be chosen, then this is the way to do it. you can form a team that can help solve company affairs, so you can focus on doing your college assignments.
"Management can use 3T or Task, Time, and Team. This is important to have, because before managing a team, you need to have shrewdness "In managing tasks and time, it can determine how a person manages a business. When building a business, a cultural ecosystem or supportive environment is also a factor in the success of a business. For example, in Indonesia there are Young Beginner Entrepreneurs (WMP) from the Ministry of Youth and Sports," he said.< /p>
The second speaker, Dr. Mohammad Syahidul Haq, M.Pd., owner of Fathan Media and Djava Catering. On his occasion, he emphasized that the first thing that must be done in building a business is to determine the business concept by understanding the needs market. Once this step has been achieved, continue by reading opportunities and determining target consumers, so you can immediately carry out market tests and prepare a simple business plan.
In building a business you must also have soft skills such as communication skills, building a financial management system, discipline, and the ability to do digital marketing. “Your business will never run until you start. "With the key to capital, be reckless, but measurable," he said motivatingly.
Head of Sub-Directorate for Student Welfare and Entrepreneurship, UNESA Directorate of Student and Alumni Affairs, Ahmad Bashri, S.Pd., M.SI., who was also a speaker at the lecture entrepreneurship this time, said that the Business Model Canvas (BMC) is a concise and effective business promotion solution. There are nine elements in BMC, namely determining customer segments or market segments, value proposition or product benefits for customers.
Furthermore, channels, customer relationships, revenue streams or ways to generate profits from the value proposition. Key resources, Key activities, Key partners, Cost structure. "This is the easiest way if you want to start a business," he said. (*)
Reporter Team: Fatimah Najmus Shofa/ Saputra
Editor: @zam Alasiah*
Photo: Public Relations Team Documentation
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