Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA–Around 75 students from the State University of Surabaya (UNESA) took part in a health test held at the Dormitory Office, Building P6 Rusunawa Putra Putri UNESA, on Tuesday, February 6 2024.
This test is a form of collaboration between the Rusunawa UNESA Dormitory and the Lidah Kulon Health Center. UNESA dormitory provides a place for the test to take place, while the necessary tools and materials are accommodated by the health center.

The main focus of the test times This is a sugar test, which provides immediate results to participants so they can know their health condition quickly and accurately. The good news is that none of the test results require special attention; everything is in normal condition.
It is hoped that health tests will be carried out routinely with a wider variety of tests, not just limited to sugar tests. It is also hoped that health tests can be scheduled every semester or once a year, not only for students, but also for employees and dormitory managers. It is hoped that this can become a routine activity that provides health benefits for the entire UNESA campus community.[]
Reporter: Nelly Najwa
Editor: @ zam Alasiah*
Photo: Public Relations Team Documentation
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