Unesa.ac.id., SURABAYA—Master of Management Study Program, Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB), Surabaya State University (UNESA) held a guest lecture with Edi Priyanto, S.K.M., M.M., HR Director of PT Pelindo Multi Terminal, in the G3 FEB UNESA Building Auditorium, Ketintang Campus, Surabaya, on Friday, September 22 2023.
In this guest lecture with the theme 'Change Management', Edi Priyanto emphasized that college is not just a degree, but the value of the process and meaning Study. Students must know how important it is to understand the meaning of change. For him, when making changes, it is important to digest, changes must include an understanding of the system, process and also the individuals involved in it.
In a discussion forum hosted by Dr. Sri Setyo Iriani, S.E., M.Si., he continued, when someone feels comfortable, they should ask themselves. Is comfort something that makes change, or is it the opposite? "Our mindset towards change must be improved, change is not born from comfort, but from conditions outside the comfort line. "We have to split our minds, enter the change, then close it, save it and do our best," he said.
The current generation, he continued, has to adapt to what they want and need. That way, the changes you want to implement will be easy to achieve.
According to him, new methods must continue to be implemented so that life moves forward. When factors outside of planning, such as natural disasters or Covid-19, for example, affect the business undertaken, the ability to adapt to survive in all periods is needed, not just survive in one period.
“Without adaptation, "What will emerge is destruction, because we are not prepared, there is no mitigation," he added.
For him, all changes definitely require change management so that capabilities continue to increase. This must start by changing your mindset or an open and growing mindset. Mindset must be improved, because the biggest challenge for change is humans themselves.
“Know, want and be able. The way to know when to change is to be sensitive to the problems that occur and willing to act. If there is no will, there is no action. If there is no action, there is no change. "Change is a matter of process, not an event that is carried out once or twice," he concluded.
Dean of FEB, Dr. Anang Kistyanto, S.Sos., M.Si., in his speech said, getting the opportunity to learn how to 'manage change' is something that not everyone has.
Change must always be made to become superior , but how to stay ahead when the change process is ongoing is important. "It is hoped that this activity will provide provisions for participants to continue to make and create impactful changes," he said.
LPSP Director, Drs. Martadi, M.Sn., said that the Master of Management students this time also included RPL students. "The hope is that the knowledge they gain from this guest lecture can be used to support their work or needs at their respective institutions," he said. [*]
Reporter Team: Fatimah Najmus Shofa/Sindy Riska
Editor: @zam Alasiah*< /p>
Photo: Public Relations Team Documentation
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