Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA-The Directorate General of Vocational Education (Diction), Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology (Kemendikbudristek) together with the State University of Surabaya (UNESA) held a Focus Group Discussion (FGD) on 'Implementation of MBKM in Vocational Education' on Friday (08/10/2021) on the 11th Floor of the UNESA Rectorate Building Lidah Wetan. On that occasion, the Director General of Vocational Education, Wikan Sakarinto, S.T., M.Sc., P.hD., signed the UNESA Vocational Program inscription.
UNESA Chancellor Prof. Dr. Nurhasan, M.Kes on the occasion stated that the transformation of the diploma program into a vocational program at UNESA is a strategy in an effort to build harmony between universities and the industrial world. "Vocational programs are new to UNESA, but the optimization step in building relationships has been intensively carried out, and cooperation is getting more massive with various stakeholders," he said.
Strengthen Link and Match
Wikan Sakarinto, stated that the government is building a link and match between education and the world of business and industry. According to him, UNESA is a multidimensional university, on the one hand it creates national teacher candidates and on the other hand encourages the creation of competent, expert and skilled human resources according to the demands of the world of work. "UNESA is in harmony with us (Director General of Vocational Education, ed) and will support each other in the future," he said.
HR Priority
For him, the philosophy as well as the key that must be held in the implementation of Indonesian education lies in human resources. Therefore, the first priority is human development through various programs and collaborations. If Indonesia's human resources are developed, of course the infrastructure will also advance and the country will also develop. "We still prioritize infrastructure, we prioritize human resources," he said.
In building superior human resources, especially in the implementation of vocational education, three things must be considered, namely, soft skills, leadership and character. For Wikan, the key to success today lies in these three aspects. Therefore, education must be a place to educate and train students who are able to become leadership, have strong character and have soft skills. "High GPA is important, but if it is not supported by character and soft skills, it will not be good," he said.
Character, Soft Skills and Leadership are the Keys
Currently, there are many comments from the industry about the lack of soft skills of students or graduates who are doing internships or working in the industrial world. For example, lack of communication skills, less responsibility, and lack of collaboration skills. Therefore, the message from the former Director of the UGM Vocational School, in the implementation of current education, must prioritize these aspects.
He explained that one way to achieve this goal is to implement a learning system by project based learning. Students have to deal with projects that are industry standard. For example, the project is welding chairs. Students carrying out the project must be of industry standard, it should not be random or careless. "As a result, the industry will assess and issue a statement of satisfaction that can be used as a portfolio for students," he said.
Lecturers Must Be Creative and Innovative
Then, the next way is that the lecturer must be creative and innovative. Lecturers have to start thinking about growing their students' passion. He suggested that lecturers should also be creative in enlivening social media. "Lecturers must be good at social media, create or fill content creatively to educate and motivate students and the wider community in creating and creating," he said.
UNESA Vocational Director Dr. Martadi, M.Sn stated that the discussion will be a direction as well as input for UNESA on the implementation of vocational programs in the future. For him, soft skills are the key in navigating the challenges of the industrial revolution 4.0. To make this happen, UNESA is making many efforts and transformations, including soft skills-based curriculum, project-based learning modeling and collaboration with the industrial world.
"Beyond that, of course, we need a change in the mindset of the entire academic community so that an education and learning system is created that is able to produce mature graduates, have breakthroughs and work, not only able to meet the demands of the industry, but also able to build and develop the business world," he said. The FGD was attended by the Director General of Vocational Education, the rector and the ranks of UNESA vice chancellors, the deans and deputy deans of UNESA, as well as the heads of the vocational program study programs and students. [UNESA PR]
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