Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA—Faculty of Languages and Arts (FBS), Surabaya State University (UNESA) is again holding a hybrid International Conference on Language and Cultures (ICLC) in the Meeting Room, 2nd Floor T14, FBS, Tongue Campus Wetan, on Saturday, 28 October 2023. This conference carries the theme 'The Role and Implementation of Languages and Arts in Maintaining a Culture Towards the 5.0 Era'.
A number of experts from Malaysia to Finland presented ideas and research results they are in a conference that is entering its third year. There were several sub-themes discussed ranging from linguistics, literature, human-technology interaction to digital humanities.
As presenters, a number of UNESA experts were present alongside experts from Malaysia and Finland. They are Prof. Dr. Subandi, M.A from FBS UNESA; Assoc. Prof. Ahamad Tarmizi Bin Azizan, founder of the Southeast Asian Digital Art Association (ASEDAS) from Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK); and Prof. Dr. Matti Pohjonen from the Helsinki Institute for Social Sciences and Humanities (HSSH), University of Helsinki, Finland.
On that occasion, Ahamad Tarmizi Bin Azizan spoke about 'Fusion of Art and AI: Crafting Culture in The 5.0 Era '. He explained a lot about the concept of AI itself, operating it in the Malaysian context, as well as the history of AI development
He also explained how to utilize and respond to the presence of AI in everyday life, especially in creating visual works and texts . "Strategic policies are needed to balance AI innovation with cultural preservation and ethical considerations," he said.
In the next session, Matti Pohjonen spoke about "Digital Humanities its Impact on Cultural and Arts Studies". He highlighted three discussions, namely digital humanities and data fiction, digital humanities research in research practice, and digital humanities challenges for learning culture and arts.
He stated that there is a new way to study culture and arts based on digital traces that open up opportunities for new research using large-scale data.
Through this data, new methods will emerge that will be developed into various different scientific disciplines to increase insight. "Improvements in computational methods allow more insight into the context of analysis with more data," he said.
In front of students and lecturers, Subandi conveyed the fact that digital media can be a data source for linguistic research . Apart from that, he also explained what approaches can be taken to research language in digital media. That way, students will gain new insights and experiences.
In his speech, the Dean of FBS, Syafi'ul Anam, Ph.D., said that this activity was an event annually as a forum for exchanging ideas and research results. He invited the participants to explore collectively protecting and advancing cultural wealth. "This is our joint commitment to advance culture in the 5.0 era," he said.
Meanwhile, the chief executive, Ajeng Dianing Kartika, S.S., M.Hum, revealed that this activity is entering its third year. In accordance with the theme, the aim of this agenda is to accommodate articles from lecturers and students, as well as facilitate the implementation of ideas and findings in real life.
"In accordance with our initial plan, the articles included in this conference are not only presented, "But it will also be published in proceedings with an ISBN indexed by Google Scholar," he said. []
Reporter Team: Aji Permadi/Fadina
Editor: @zam Alasiah*
Photo: Team Documentation Public Relations
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