Unesa.ac.id. SURABAYA—Thousands of participants who were delegates from state universities LPTK (Institute for Educational Personnel Education) packed Graha State University of Surabaya (UNESA) Campus 2 Lidah Wetan in order to attend the opening of the peak of the XI 2024 Indonesian National Education Convention (Konaspi), on Tuesday, October 8 2024 .
Konaspi this time carries the theme "Superior Human Resources to Realize GOLD Indonesia 2045." In his report as host, the Chancellor of UNESA, Nurhasan said that this forum is an academic vehicle for LPTK to contribute ideas for the development of superior human resources through education.
The agenda, which runs until Thursday, October 10, discusses and examines challenges and opportunities for educational transformation in the digital era, and formulating strategic points for developing LPTKNI (Indonesian National Education Personnel Education Institute) which is contributive to national development.
Apart from that, it also discusses the revitalization of LPTK, both from institutional and governance aspects , standardization, curriculum, inclusive education, and equal access. Strengthening the professionalism of teachers in the 21st century was also discussed.
"The aim is to formulate and produce strategic recommendations to encourage the acceleration of national education development towards a GOLD Indonesia (Era of Just and Prosperous Societies)," said the UNESA sports science professor.
Director General of Education Higher Education, Research and Technology (Dirjen Diktiristek) Abdul Haris said that human resources are the key to a country's development. Expanding access, equalizing quality, and strengthening the relevance of higher education contribute greatly to economic development and social welfare.
Quoting the World Economic Forum report, according to him, the quality of human resources is one of the main factors that determine a country's global competitiveness. The Global Competitiveness Report shows that countries with better access to higher education have the ability to create innovation and sustainable economic growth.
“Every increase in the highly educated population will contribute to economic growth, and reducing poverty in a country," he explained.
He hopes that LPTKNI through the 11th Konaspi will continue to be a consistent partner of the government in providing strategic recommendations for accelerating national development and developing LPTK in Indonesia, and can implement transformation of higher education in the Independent Learning Campus (MBKM) policy.
The party is waiting for ideas and ideas for improvements that will result from the activities of the next three days as concrete steps to build a national education system that is more adaptive, inclusive, and competitive.
"Hopefully the recommendations produced in this forum will become a strategic basis for realizing a GOLD Indonesia 2045 through strengthening the quality of education and superior human resources throughout the country," he concluded.
Konaspi is a biennial agenda organized by the Association of Indonesian Educational Personnel Educational Institutions (ALPTKI) or LPTKNI and consists of several activities, starting from international conferences, conventions, educational innovation exhibitions, to IKN Goes to Campus, and work signing the same.
The opening of this event was attended by the director general of the Ministry of Education and Culture, representatives of the Indonesian Ministry of Youth and Sports, representatives of the Archipelago Capital Authority (OIKN), the leadership of the MRPTNI (Indonesian State University Chancellor's Council) and delegates from 12 LPTKs throughout Indonesia. [*]
Further information,
Director of Public Relations and Public Information, Surabaya State University
Vinda Maya Setianingrum, S.Sos., M.A., (WA-081235620276)
Email: redaksi.humas@unesa.ac.id
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