Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA-The Department of German Language and Literature, State University of Surabaya held a Guest Lecture with Johanes Tschapka, Ph.D., from Bielefeld University, Germany on Tuesday, September 28, 2021. The topic of discussion was "Unterrichtsmaterial 1" or Teaching Material 1. The activity aims to help improve teacher competence in learning, especially learning German.
FBS Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs, Dr. Mintowati, M.Pd. in his speech said that the guest lecture was a golden opportunity to establish cooperation in the academic field as well as one of the manifestations of independent learning and an independent campus. "Hopefully this cooperation will continue in the future and benefit many parties," he hoped.
Johanes Tschapka, Ph. D. explained that in the learning system, there are several things that must be considered carefully, namely the study plan, the learning process, and the output or learning outcomes. Learning plans, he continued, cannot be done arbitrarily, but must really think about the goals and competencies that students must achieve.
Then how do students achieve goals and have competence, and in what ways can teachers know that students have reached the goals they want to achieve or not. If some have not reached the destination, how to follow up.
He continued that in learning a language, it is necessary to have an effective competency model for both students and teachers. He stated that the competencies required were not only reading (license), writing (schreiben), listening (zuhören) or speaking (sprechen), but also grammatical comprehension (structural) and analytical skills (analysieren). (meds/zam)
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