Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA–Every dedication must be appreciated. That is what the National Population and Family Planning Agency (BKKBN) does by awarding awards to several institutions and figures who have contributed to family development, population and family planning. One of the recipients of the award was Ali Imron S.Sos., MA., Lecturer at the State University of Surabaya (UNESA).
The awarding ceremony was held on Thursday, November 11, 2021 at The Singhasari Resort, Batu-Malang. Ali Imron was awarded the 2021 Proud Kencana Program for his real work in the implementation of family development, population and family planning programs.
For this appreciation, Ali Imron hopes that through this program the awards obtained can be dedicated to UNESA and population development in East Java. Of course, this award is expected to increase the enthusiasm of the UNESA academic community to be able to support and implement the Proud Kencana work program in the future.
As in the letter signed by Waluyo Ajeng Lukitowati, S.St., MM, Plt. The Head of the East Java Province BKKBN Representative explained that the embedding event was a follow-up to the decision letter from the head of the central BKKBN which gave awards to those who contributed to the success of the Proud Kencana program, BKKBN.
The awards in question are; Manggala Karya Kencana, Wira Karya Kencana, Dharma Karya Kencana and Cipta Karya Kencana in 2021. The Proud Kencana program is one of the flagship programs of the BKKBN, focusing on creating quality families in Indonesia. [UNESA PR]
Reporter: Lintang
Editor: @zam*
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