Unesa.ac.id, Surabaya – The Faculty of Education (hereinafter referred to as FIP) Unesa held the 99th period Graduation on Wednesday (11/11). A total of 189 FIP undergraduate students participated in the activity which was carried out on a hybrid basis in FIP Leadership Meeting Room, O1 Building. The graduation was attended by Dean, Deputy Dean, Head of Departments / Study Progams as well as the best graduate students of FIP.
Dean of FIP, Drs. Mochamad Nursalim, M.Si, in his remarks congratulated students who have completed their undergraduate education process. He also reminded the graduates of the opportunities and challenges that will be faced in the era of the industrial revolution 4.0, especially during this pandemic era.
"Great people are formed through difficulties and challenges. Another challenge that arises in front of you is the emergence of the 4.0 industrial revolution era, which is also known as the era of disruption, where change occurs quickly," he said.
Prof. Budiyanto, M.Pd. also stated the same thing. In his scientific oration, Budiyanto mentioned about the concept of independent learning and independent campuses in universities. According to him, there are three concepts of an independent campus that must be understood that consists of encouraging the learning process in higher education to become more autonomous and flexible, creating an innovative learning culture that is prepared based on the needs of the community and equipping students with even broader insights.
The three concepts, explained Budiyanto, can be implemented with the keywords of creation, innovation and independence which are applied in independent learning in higher education. This is based on demands, where graduates must be able to compete and take over in society, especially in the current pandemic era.
"This is a challenge and an opportunity to be able to take the best part in order to actualize the knowledge received in society. A strategy is needed to be a winner in this new normal era,” said Budiyanto.
In the 99th period of the Graduation, there were 8 students with the highest GPA at faculty level who were entitled to receive award certificates. Three of them are entitled to receive coaching money. They are, Ika Maya Sridarma Dewi (Bachelor of Primary Teacher Education), Sifa Septiano Nugroho (Bachelor of Educational Technology) and Dewi Windasari (Bachelor of Education Management). In addition to the best graduates, there were also three outstanding students in the field of non-academic at faculty level, Sely Anisah Hanan (Bachelor of Primary Teacher Education), Nita Prinda Sari (Bachelor of Psychology) and Silvi Putri Anggraini (Bachelor of Early Childhood Teacher Education).
As the award recipient, Ika Maya Dewi in her speech thanked the FIP academicians for the dedication in preparing students to become competent graduates. She said that the graduation was not an end, but the beginning of a real journey in self-actualization in society.
"Hopefully FIP Unesa will always be the foremost faculty in carrying out education with increasing quality," she said. (ay)
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