Unesa.ac.id Surabaya - A total of 540 new students of the Faculty of Sport Science (FIO) of Surabaya State University (Unesa) held the opening ceremony for the introduction of Campus Life for New Students (PKKMB) 2019 school year / 2020 on the front page of the FIO Unesa Lidah Wetan Campus Surabaya took place solemnly Monday (12/8).
The opening activity of the PKKMB ceremony was attended by the Dean of FIO Dr. Setiyo Hartoto M. Kes. Deputy Dean III Abdul Hafidz S.Pd. M.Pd. student assistant and PKKMB committee.
Dean of FIO Dr. Setiyo Hartoto M.Kes. said that new students must always be able to adapt in the sense of adjusting to the campus environment. In addition to the committee it is hoped that the 2019 PKKMB event will run smoothly and well.
"If there are new students who are not disciplined the MABA must repeat and participate in the PKKMB event next year" Setiyo said.
The PKKMB opening ceremony was closed by symbolically handing over the FIO garda hat to the new student representatives. The next event was the release of pigeons by the Dean of FIO. Then the next event was the appearance of pencak silat karate and gymnastic from MABA representatives. (ARK/WNY/LUS)
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