Unesa.ac.id, Surabaya-Like other faculties, the Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB), Surabaya State University held a halalbihalal at the G6 Auditorium FEB Unesa on Thursday (27/05/2021). In an atmosphere full of togetherness, brotherhood, happiness, enthusiasm and optimism amid the Covid 19 pandemic, this event took place offline and online.
In his speech, Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business, Dr. Anang Kistyanto, S.Sos, M. Si said that the transformation process from FE to FEB was also followed by changes in quality and quality to a reputable faculty in Southeast Asia in the fields of economic, economic and business education. He believes that this target will be successful and indeed requires strong and solid social capital. "With this capital, it is hoped that FEB Unesa can have a reputation and continue to excel in the international arena," he said.
He added, the indicator for FEB Unesa to have a reputation in Southeast Asia is that it must get a QS AUR ranking by Economic, Business and Management Subjects, as well as get international accreditation for all FEB Unesa's environmental study programs. "Currently all study programs are in the process of applying for international accreditation and internationalization of other programs," he explained.
According to him, social capital is very important, one of which is by intending all achievements and targets as worship. "So that it will produce strong and sturdy social capital in the form of Islamic social capital," he said.
The atmosphere became more solemn with the presence of tausiyah and prayer together from Dr. KH. M. Syukron Djazilan Badri, M. Ag, Lecturer at the Faculty of Tarbiyah, Sunan Ampel State Islamic University, Surabaya. He said that social capital is the spearhead in overcoming the problems that are happening today. Mutual trust, solidarity and cooperation are important to develop.
Not only that, the caretaker of the Al-Jihad Surabaya Student Islamic Boarding School added that the main capital in implementing Islamic social capital includes always being devoted to Allah SWT, and believing that everything that happens is only because of Allah SWT's permission. This event ended with a lottery and door prize distribution for all lucky FEB academics. (meds / zam)
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