Even though it is filled with a busy schedule of activities on campus this guy who likes swimming and badminton still studies and does not want bad academic grades. Balancing between extracurricular and academic activities on campus is indeed very difficult especially if you are lulled by the extra-world preoccupations on campus. But not for this man from Bojonegoro. Learn to walk campus activities also continue to run. Arranging time as well as possible is the main key held by the graduate who is familiar with Adis greeting. There are so many dreams that this graduate who wants to achieve a 3.79 GPA is eager to achieve. When asked about what kind of devotion to be given to Indonesia making people with disabilities join Paralympic is a dream that Adi wants to devote. "Actually people with disabilities in Indonesia are great especially in the world of sports but inclusive schools in Indonesia still rarely provide Physical Education subjects that really invite their students to move. Even though the core of the National Health Insurance is inviting students to move and be educated " said the student who was born on March 13th. To realize all his dreams Adi plans to continue his education. This man who is interested in sports management has contacted the campuses he wants to study. (Chikita / KK / PR)
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