Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA-Conficius Institute, Mandarin Language Center, State University of Surabaya held a national webinar with the theme "Healthy Lifestyle during the Covid-19 Pandemic" on Wednesday (11/03/2021). As resource persons, several experts were present, including the Deputy Secretary General of Wushu and the Traditional Society's Ethnic Sports Branch and Chinese Sports Science Prof. Dongzhu, and Traditional Chinese Scientist Dr. Thea Sairine, M.TCM., M.L., Ph.D.
In addition, there is also a TCM Traditional Chinese Medicine Specialist. Dr. Praewwadee Arunchangwattana and Reflexology Acupressure Expert and Sinshe Dr. Carlini Fan Hardi, M.Med., Ph.D. On that occasion, Dr. Thea Sairine, M.TCM., M.L., Ph.D explained that the Covid pandemic has hit the world from 2019 until now.
Data shows, as of November 2, 2021, there were more than 2 million cases and around 5 million people died. Since spreading and passing through waves I and II, Covid-19 in Indonesia has experienced a spike from the first wave in January 2021. According to him, China has known treatment for a disease known as TCM treatment. "TCM treatment emphasizes the body's immune system to fight diseases including viruses, prevention emphasizes the human body's power," he said.
TCM treatment during this pandemic, must really pay attention to several supporting aspects including considering nutrition and a healthy lifestyle, maintaining a balance of activity and rest, not being too tired, getting enough sleep, and exercising for 20 minutes every day. "Reducing the consumption of fat and cold is important and 20 minutes of exercise done regularly so that it increases our body's resistance to fight the corona virus," he explained.
Meanwhile, to prevent Covid-19, you can also drink herbal ingredients that strengthen the immune system and detoxify. This has a function in inhibiting the virus that enters the body and prevents severe Covid-19 symptoms. "Mentally healthy have positive thoughts and stable emotions because health is very important in preventing disease," he explained.
Preventing Covid-19 is a very important thing to do together and all parties. "Therefore, do the vaccine up to the 3rd dose, because the vaccine can make the body immune to the virus," he added. As well as things that must be adhered to while adhering to health protocols such as frequently washing hands and using hand sanitizers, wearing masks when leaving the house, avoiding crowds and always keeping a distance. (Madina/zam*)
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