Unesa.ac.id, Surabaya-All Civitas Academica Unesa responded to the bomb tragedy in front of the Cathedral Church, Makassar, South Sulawesi which occurred on Sunday (3/28/2021). Rector Unesa representing all of Unesa's extended family expressed his concern over the tragedy. This was conveyed by Prof. Dr. Nurhasan, M.Kes when giving his speech at the Inaugural Of Professors and Achievements Of Unesa on Monday (3/29/2021).
The man called Cak Hasan said that the extended family denounced all forms of bomb terror. He continued, whatever the reason, whatever the motive of actions that threaten the lives and bodies of others is an act that is inexcusable and allowed to grow in indonesian society.
"This tragedy is quite heartbreaking for all Indonesians, including unesa's extended family. Hopefully this is the last event and we countrymen and devils can live peacefully and united in ukhuwah and a sense of nationalism," he said loudly.
In front of the Professors, Civitas Academica Unesa and invited guests who attended, Nurhasan urged all not to be affected or provoked by information that is not yet clear origin and source. He also stressed that all parties do not disseminate troubling information, either in the form of videos, images or in the form of news. "With an incident like this, we have to take a role to strengthen each other and reconcile with each other," he said.
Nurhasan added that all Rectors under the auspices of the Rector's Council of PTN, including Unesa issued eight statements of special attitude to the bomb tragedy. "My Rector Unesa expressed my concern and condolences and deep sorrow to all the victims. May remain steadfast and given patience," he said. "Every college, including Unesa is committed to not making room for the development of violent teachings or radicalism on campus," he concluded. (Pr. Unesa)
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