Unesa.ac.id, Surabaya–State University of Surabaya (UNESA) together with six other universities signed a memorandum of understanding of cooperation with the All-Indonesian Football Association (PSSI) virtually on Wednesday (18/08/2021). The six other universities in question are the Indonesian Education University (UPI), Padang State University (UNP), Jakarta State University (UNJ), Yogyakarta State University (UNY), Malang State University (UM), and Pasundan STKIP.
PSSI General Chair, Komjen Pol (Purn) Dr. Drs. H. Mochamad Iriawan, S.H., M.M., MH said that one of the goals of the collaboration was to accommodate the talents of athletes in various campuses throughout Indonesia. This collaboration, he continued, can encourage football achievements in the future.
He admitted, PSSI lacked a qualified coach. Then from the existing data, there are about 5,000 SSB throughout Indonesia. There are about 943 league three clubs, 24 league two clubs and 18 league one clubs. Then for the number of trainers, only about 7,000 trainers for all levels. "This is very less when compared to the number of residents or players as well as those who like football," he said.
In addition, the goal is to create physical trainers from AFC licensed Undergraduate Soccer Coaching, develop soccer sport science, create new instructors from the campus, and utilize campus facilities for national team training camps, as well as provide scholarships for athletes. achievers.
On that occasion, each of the rectors or representatives of the seven campuses expressed their hopes and readiness to support and jointly realize the world of national football. UNESA Chancellor Prof. Dr. Nurhasan., M.Kes who was accompanied by the vice chancellors appreciated the collaboration to advance Indonesian football. According to him, there are several things that must be considered carefully in advancing national football.
First, Indonesia is a country with the second number of football fans in the world. Of the approximately 271 million more Indonesians (BPS 2020), there are around 77 percent who like football. According to him, this is a potential that must be considered and 'managed' properly, because it can bring up many national football talents in the future.
"Football talent sometimes needs to be nurtured in a supportive environment and when that talent is visible, we just need to polish it through a good football education and training system and a qualified coach," he explained.
Therefore, secondly, it is necessary to improve the quality and quantity of national football coaches. That is important, because the natural talents of the country's children will not be able to grow optimally and mature in the hands of substandard coaches. "The number and quality of coaches need to be prioritized," he said.
Third, maximizing the existing role of 'sport science' to improve football performance. Fourth, cooperation and commitment with all national football stakeholders. The way for that already exists, one of which is through Presidential Instruction No. 3 of 2019 concerning the Acceleration of National Football Development. "Don't let us just be an MoU, but its implementation will not be optimal later," he said.
The man who is usually called Cak Hasan emphasized that UNESA is ready to fully support the rising and achieving national football. Sarpras are provided, sport science is also complete, and scholarships for high-achieving athletes have been prepared. In fact, currently there are several national athletes who have received scholarships to study at UNESA, one of which is Rachmat Irianto, the son of Bejo Sugiantoro.
"UNESA is open, please if you want to use it, we have facilities that are used by national and even international athletes," he said. "Currently, more than 13 sports are used for the Papua PON (PON XX Papua 2021, ed) including football," he continued.
The man who is usually called Cak Hasan hopes that this collaboration will truly become a joint commitment to 'liberate national football' and make football one of the leading sports and the pride of the Indonesian people. #SalamOlahraga (QQ/zam)
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