Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA_In teaching early childhood, PAUD teachers are not only required to be able to draw, but also have to be creative and really understand every stage of drawing activity that is appropriate to the child's growth and development period. In order to improve the ability of PAUD teachers, LPPM UNESA together with HIMPAUDI Surabaya City held a Drawing Creativity Training for PAUD teachers throughout Surabaya on October 17, 2021 and October 24, 2021.
Hybrid training; there is an online session and there is also an offline session held at the PG PAUD UNESA Building. In the presentation session, Dr. Ruqoyyah Fitri, S.Ag., M.Pd. as a PG PAUD UNESA Lecturer stated that teachers must be able to identify children's early abilities and children's difficulties in various aspects of development.
"Teachers must understand that drawing has stages from simple to complex, in teaching students to draw, it needs to be adjusted to the level of growth and development of the child," he said.
Sri Widayati, S.Pd., M.Pd., also a PG PAUD UNESA Lecturer said that as a PAUD teacher or as a parent, you must stimulate children how to use writing tools, for example with a pen or pencil.
This drawing stage is closely related to the writing stage. Drawing is also related to using finger tools. So, automatic drawing and writing is closely related to a child's fine motor skills. "Now! friends must remember that fine motor skills are related to a child's fingers and eye combinations. The stages of drawing and writing must be considered, because they are closely related and cannot be separated," he explained.
Meanwhile, Wulan Patria Saroinsong, S.Psi., M.Pd., Ph.D said that drawing is an art that can train hand-eye coordination. Drawing besides being able to train children's fine motor skills, it also helps children in healing their emotions. "We need media to channel children's emotions so they can be more patient, one of which is the picture," he said.
In this activity, participants not only got theoretical material from the presenters, they also practiced creative drawing in the form of greeting cards, decorative household utensils such as glass cups and many more. They learn to draw creatively by utilizing a variety of media available both in class and at home.
"All teachers can of course draw according to their respective capacities, but through this training we hope that teachers will not only be able to draw, but also be able to make drawing activities a part of fun and effective learning and learning activities to develop children's potential and creativity from an early age. early," hoped Dr. Ruqoyyah Fitri, S.Ag., M.Pd. [UNESA PR]
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