Unesa.ac.id., SURABAYA�The Vocational Faculty of Surabaya State University (UNESA) continues to transform into one of the best vocational programs in the country. In fact, the programs and innovations that are born often become models for other campuses. Also, graduates become targets for the world of work and industry.
Dean of the Faculty of Vocational Studies, Dr. Suprapto, S.Pd., M.T., explained that vocation has specifications for the skills and competencies needed in the world of work and industry. Graduates, apart from getting a diploma, also get a certificate of competency.
Vocational students, he continued, really get adequate equipment to take action in industry. This is because students are directed to do internships or direct practice in companies or industries.
"Students who do internships in industry and after graduating are often called back (industry) to work. We do collaborate a lot with business and industrial partners both at home and abroad," he explained at the UNESA Virtual Campus Expo (UVCE) on Wednesday, February 28 2024.
One of Vocational's cooperation partners is with Japanese companies through the Chamber of Commerce and Industry Indonesia (Kadin). A number of students have undergone internships or internships there.
"Internships there, students get decent pocket money. After the internship, students go home to complete their final assignment and then graduation, they then return to Japan and are contracted directly 5 years by the company there," said the dean.
Dr. Warju, S.Pd., S.T., M.T., Deputy Dean for Learning, Research and Community Service, Student Affairs and Alumni explained that the Vocational curriculum is generally designed in a scheme of 60 percent practicum in laboratories, companies, institutions, factories and industry . Meanwhile, the remaining 40 percent is theory in classes based on project based learning or PjBL.
There are also several study programs that have implemented a 65 percent practice, 32 percent theory scheme. There are also 70 percent practice and 30 percent theory. "We continue to transform to produce graduates who have soft skills and hard skills," he said.
Dr. Abdul Hafidz, S.Pd., M.Pd., Deputy Dean for Planning, Finance, Resources, General Affairs, Cooperation, and Communication and Information Technology continued that the Vocational Study Program is one of the favorites at UNESA. Apart from his direct career orientation in companies and industry, it is also because of his nationally recognized reputation and transformation.
He added, the 10 applied undergraduate study programs (D-4) at the UNESA Vocational Faculty are as follows:
- D-4 Graphic Design
- D-4 Public Administration
- D-4 Information Management
- D-4 Culinary Management
- D-4 Fashion Design
- D-4 Electrical Engineering
- D-4 Mechanical Engineering
- D-4 Civil Engineering
- D-4 Transportation
- D-4 Sports Coaching
Apart from that, this year Vocational School is preparing to open three new study programs, namely, D-4 Automotive Engineering, D-4 Media Production, and D-4 Sports Performance Analyst. Vocational leaders hope that this new study program can be selected on an independent route this year.[]
Reporter: Muhammad Azhar Adi Mas'ud (FBS)
Editor: @zam Alsatum*
Photo: Public Relations Team Documentation
Vocational Faculty UCVE Streaming: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RhO-j7KXczo&t=804s
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