Unesa.ac.id., SURABAYA–There is always an inspiring story at every graduation ceremony at the State University of Surabaya (UNESA). At the 108th graduation ceremony on Tuesday, October 10 2023, the story came from Windiyati Nugroho, the best graduate of the Educational Technology Doctoral Study Program who graduated with a GPA of 3.98.
Her academic grades were obtained through her struggle and consistency throughout pursuing doctoral education at the Faculty of Education (FIP). And, it feels special, because she achieved this title at the age of 77 years.
In this sacred procession, Windiyati received two awards at once, as the best graduate with the highest academic score and the oldest graduate. "I was surprised, it turned out that my score was the highest compared to the others. A special opportunity was given to me by God," he said.
The woman who was born in Solo, 27 August 1946, revealed that her motivation for studying was none other than because she wanted to deepen knowledge. Added to this is his anxiety over education, which according to him has not been optimal so far.
As an out-of-school education activist, he has had a lot of experience with the shortcomings of education, one of which is regarding the competence of the younger generation which is not yet in line with the needs of the business and industrial world. .
According to him, competencies such as communication, critical, creative and collaborative must become important domains of education inside and outside school.
"Getting to this point is not easy, but if we believe in God "It's there, everything can be done and done. That's a motivation for me and hopefully this can inspire generations," said the cosmetics entrepreneur.
He advised young people to remain enthusiastic about learning and pursuing knowledge to the highest level. -height. Not only learning, he continued, but also having to be able to apply or put his knowledge into practice to answer problems or make a contribution to society.
With a passion for learning and consistency, the cosmetics entrepreneur succeeded in holding a doctorate with a GPA of 3.98. He wrote a dissertation on "Development of an E-Module Program Package for the Application of Facial Skin Consultation and Analysis to Improve Learning Outcomes and Metacognitive Skills for Students at the Course and Training Institute (LKP) Pacific International Beauty Institute (PIBI) Surabaya".
< p>According to him, this e-module package which discusses the field of beauty will help students and instructors at LKP PIBI to more easily teach their students and improve their learning outcomes and skills.Likewise with the field of beauty, The public's lack of knowledge regarding information about beauty was the reason he raised a dissertation on Development of an E-Module Program Package for the Application of Facial Skin Consultation and Analysis to Improve Learning Outcomes and Metacognitive Skills for BIPI LKP Students.
"In the future, I hope that people -People can care more about the world of beauty through my e-module package. "Because beauty is not only about maintaining health, but also how a person feels comfortable in the process of doing it," she concluded.
The woman who used to be a writer at Jawa Pos is aware that she must continue to develop herself in line with the progress of the times. Always updating the latest news is important to be sensitive to current problems. Young people should be like that too. []
Reporter Team: Fatimah Najmus Shofa/Sindy Riska Fadillah/Annisa Aulia Mujiono/Ruruh Susilowati/Tarisa Adistia/Azhar Adi Masud /Fionna Ayu Shabrina/Lina Lubabatul Karimah/Achmad Rosyid Nurhidayat.
Editor: @zam Alasiah*
Photo: Public Relations Team Documentation
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