Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA--Centre of Excellence in Art and Culture (CEAC) or Directorate of the Center for Excellence in Arts and Culture, Surabaya State University (UNESA) held Artificial Intelligence (AI) training, by presenting Adhibuat Raharja Wirawan, a transmedia storytelling expert as a speaker, at Auditorium T14 of the Faculty of Languages and Arts (FBS) on Saturday, November 4 2023.
With the theme 'Implementation of AI in Fine Arts and Design Learning', This training aims to introduce and democratize the use of AI technology in the world of fine art and design. Also helps the process of adapting and balancing technological developments and students' passion or fine arts design work.
In his speech, the Director of the Center for Excellence in Arts and Culture, Dr. Trisakti M. Si., revealed that as time goes by, AI is really needed to speed up work and help complete certain tasks.
"The importance of this training is so that people don't use AI carelessly instead of just plagiarizing, but we know how to use AI properly and correctly, including in the fields of arts and culture and design," he said.
He hopes that this training can help academics, including students, to adapt and balance technological developments and passion or work in in the field of fine arts and design.
In the material session, Adhibuat Raharja Wirawan explained that AI technology can have a positive impact on the learning process and creativity in the world of fine arts and design. He added, there are several things that need to be considered regarding AI, such as recognizing the basics of AI, practical applications in fine art and design, and how to integrate AI elements into their own works of art.
Apart from that, there are also need to understand key concepts such as generative art, augmented reality, and pattern recognition in the context of art and design. "Current AI results still cannot be 100% directly used in industry. So it requires the 'touch' of artists, not quality control operators," said the CEO of Mechanimotion Ent.
AI, he continued, is more suitable for the needs of the creative industry, not the arts (although it can be used). AI itself is able to cut time and costs. But still with above average quality. The perception gap between the client/director and the creative team can be narrowed with AI. Personal/Entities use AI to be more productive, such as providing more optimal results.
After the material session, participants from various circles; In general, students, teachers and lecturers immediately entered into a workshop session on making animated food advertisements using AI technology. Participants undergo this practice by following the following flow:
Pre-production animation using AI: first, creating a script, then creating a voice over, creating a character or product and environment, creating an animatic storyboard and finally adding music or animated background sound.
The final result of this training is that all participants are required to collect the results of the AI work that has been created. Material created using AI, namely food advertisements, will then be submitted to the presenters.
The presenters will give two door prizes for the best and most active participants who take part in this AI training activity. In the final session, Adhibuat closed the training by emphasizing that it is not AI that replaces humans, but humans who master AI will replace other humans. []
Reporting Team: Diah Asri Magdavi/Ruruh Susilowati
Editor: @zam Alasiah*
Photo: Public Relations Team Documentation
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