Witnessed by the leadership, the Head of BPPG UNESA received a certificate of appreciation for MURI's record as a university that initiated teacher gymnastics.
Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA—Surabaya State University (UNESA) through the Teacher Professional Education Agency (BPPG) launched the Indonesian Teacher Gymnastics (SGI) at the Rectorate Field, Campus 2 Lidah Wetan, Surabaya, on Saturday, June 8 2024. The launch was marked by joint gymnastics which was attended by around 2,000 teachers throughout the city of Surabaya.
Thanks to the innovation and movement of the Indonesian Teachers' Gymnastics, the 'Home of Champions' campus recorded a MURI (Indonesian Museum of Records) record as a university first to initiate teacher gymnastics.
"We launched teacher gymnastics to restore the once popular tradition of physical fitness gymnastics. The aim is to increase the physical activity and fitness of teachers and the community in general," said the Head of BPPG UNESA, Dr. Fatkur Rahman Kafrawi, M.Pd.
Teachers throughout the city of Surabaya and the entire 'Home of Champions' campus community took part in the Indonesian Teachers' Gymnastics which was initiated by UNESA.
He mentioned that the teacher exercise was initiated based on scientific studies which showed the low level of physical fitness of Indonesian people.
Based on data, only around 3,513 Indonesians carry out physical fitness activities. In fact, ideally, one of the factors to create superior Indonesian human resources is that there are at least 10,000 more people who are active or playing sports.
So from this study, he added, BPPG UNESA is the projected producer of prospective teachers for national education in the future must be able to initiate effective programs recommended by the Directorate General of Teachers and Education Personnel (GTK). The outcome or output of this program is the launching of the Indonesian Teachers' Gymnastics.
The Head of BPPG UNESA emphasized that the Indonesian Teachers' Gymnastics is to encourage increased physical activity for teachers and the community.
More The man who is familiarly called Pak Fatkur explained that MURI and medals are not UNESA's main targets, but changing the mindset of teachers in Indonesia to care about sports and physical fitness.
For him, body movement is not an obligation, but a necessity which will later become an individual investment in order to support work ethic and be able to respond to global challenges.
So if a teacher does not have a fit body when teaching, it is feared that he will later come with unstable emotions and this has the potential to affect atmosphere of the teaching process in the classroom. "If the teacher is fit, teaching and learning activities in the class will run smoothly," he said.
The gymnastics atmosphere with teachers and the UNESA community uses the Indonesian Teacher Gymnastics movement patterns.
Meet Ismail , S.Pd., M.Si., Secretary of the Directorate General of Teachers and Education Personnel who attended the activity, said that this activity was a form of good practice and could be an example for other Educational Personnel Education Institutions (LPTK).
As a follow-up, this activity will later be submitted to the Ministry of Education and Culture so that it can be implemented nationally in certain stages. He believes, if this implementation is successful, it will not only be teachers who will have a positive impact, but students will also feel the benefits.
Temu Ismail, Secretary of the Directorate General of Teachers and Education Personnel appreciated the PPG program and innovation at UNESA.
“Congratulations "To UNESA for initiating and creating new innovations that are not only beneficial for the institution, but also teachers and society in general," he said.
Apart from joint gymnastics and breaking MURI records, activities in the context of the 60th Anniversary UNESA also has a focus group discussion or FGD, and a showcase or exhibition that displays various innovations from UNESA PPG students and lecturers.
The activity, which was attended by more than 2,000 exercise participants and 30 innovation & entrepreneurship exhibitions, was held to commemorate the 60th UNESA Anniversary. The leadership and community members from UNESA were present.[]
Reporter: Saputra (FBS), Fatimah Najmus Shofa (FBS)
Editor: @zam*
Photo: UNESA PR team
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