Unesa.ac.id., SURABAYA—Leaders of the ASEAN University Sports Council (AUSC) and a number of delegates from various countries attended the 1st Heads of Delegations Meeting and Venue Inspection 2024 which took place at the Student Center, UNESA Campus II Lidah Wetan Surabaya on 27 January-1 February 2024.
After the meeting Wednesday, 31 January 2024, the President of AUSC, Mohd Rusllim bin Mohamed explained that this activity to finalize various preparations towards AUG 2024 which will be held from 25 June to 7 July 2024 in Surabaya and Malang.
One of the things discussed in this meeting, he continued, was related to potential sports that would enter the competition AUG. Based on the updated meeting results as of January 31 2024, there are 21 sports that have the potential to be held at various venues in Surabaya and Malang.
The sports in question are archery, athletics, badminton, basketball, 3x3 basketball, chess, judo, karate, pencak silat, petanque, sepak takraw, rock climbing, swimming, taekwondo, tennis, wushu, volleyball, beach volleyball, bridge, futsal and handball.

Meanwhile, the Secretary General of AUSC, Roestam Effendi Sijar estimates that there will be around a thousand or even two thousand student athletes and officials who will attend in Surabaya and Malang.
He added that the implementation of AUG involves nine universities. The Surabaya cluster involves UPN Veteran East Java, Ubaya, ITS, Unair, and UNESA. In the Malang cluster it involves UB, UM, Unisma and UMM.
Chairman of Bapomi East Java Madlazim added that since Indonesia and East Java were appointed as hosts, his party fully supports the implementation of the AUG both by helping finalize preparations for the competition and by finalizing preparations for East Java. and Indonesia in general to compete in AUG 2024.
"We hope that AUG will run smoothly and make an impression on the hearts of each athlete and official involved. We also hope that Indonesia as the host can give a memorable welcome and meaningful and showing his best ability to win first place," he said.
In detail, the Coordinator of AUG 2024, Muhammad Arif Al Ardha explained that the opening of AUG 2024 is planned at GRAHA UNESA. According to him, it is an honor and opportunity for Indonesia and East Java in particular to provide the best from various aspects.
This prestigious event is also an honor for UNESA as one of the hosts and UNESA Chancellor Nurhasan as the chief organizer. For this reason, UNESA is preparing various aspects including venues for 7 sports.
"Starting last year we formed a committee, coordinated with various parties, and prepared students and all human resources at UNESA," he explained.
p>For information, apart from discussing many things, AUSC officials and a number of delegations from various ASEAN countries also directly visited a number of venues included in the AUG implementation list, in Surabaya and Malang to ensure that everything was mature and according to standards.[]
Reporter: Fatimah Najmus Shofa/Sindy Riska
Editor: @zam Alasiah*
Photo: Public Relations Team Documentation
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