Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA—The 2023 International Petanque Tournament organized by PB FOPI, East Java Provincial Government, East Java FOPI Provincial Government together with Surabaya State University (UNESA) starts at UNESA Lidah Wetan on Friday-Sunday, 3-5 November 2023.
This prestigious competition was attended by 50 athletes from Thailand, Malaysia and Brunei Darussalam. Coupled with participants from various provinces of Indonesia, a total of 550 athletes took part in the tournament.
"They come from 140 teams who will compete with their best skills on 34 fields," said Nur Salsabila Rhesa Pandhadha Putra, chairman of the 2023 International Petanque Tournament organizing committee (Panpel) at the tournament location.
The man who is familiarly called Abil added that as many as 550 participants would compete in the triple open category in the tournament. The committee provides prizes and medals up for grabs.
"The champions will have the opportunity to appear in the Petanque League which is planned to start being held in 2024," said the lecturer at the Faculty of Sports and Health Sciences (FIKK).
Secretary General of PB FOPI I Nyoman Yamadhiputra, on that occasion added that his party had deployed a monitoring team in the tournament as part of preparations for the 2025 SEA Games
He added that this tournament should be used by athletes to bring out to the best of his ability. Because the opportunity to achieve world achievements starts from competitions at UNESA.
"Petanque must become a global sport, athletes will achieve world achievements starting from International Petanque. Bring out the best of your abilities and continue to uphold sportsmanship," said the man who familiarly called Yama.
Because, he continued, this is not only an opportunity to achieve achievements, but also an opportunity to advance to a higher competition, namely the 2024 Petanque League. "We (PB FOPI) will hold a football-class petanque league. "Continue to improve your achievements (athletes)," said Yama.
His party is also starting to be monitored by PB FOPI which has started to take steps to prepare projections for the 2025 SEA Games. There is a team from coaching and achievements (Binpres) who has come to UNESA. "Selections (for the 2025 SEA Games) are starting now, one of which is the Binpres PB monitoring team (FOPI) going to Unesa," concluded Yama.

General Chairperson of PB FOPI, Prof. Dr. Nurhasan, M.Kes., hopes that UNESA's petanque sport will be able to gain many gold medals at international events, both the Sea Games, Asean Games and other world championships.
Petanque, he continued, is included in the curriculum at FIKK UNESA, students have extraordinary competencies so they are able to achieve achievements for the nation and state. UNESA gives appreciation to students who win this tournament in the form of scholarships.
"We hope that in the future this activity will be participated in by Asian, European and other countries. So that this championship can be better and of better quality," he added.
Muhammad Arif, one of the participants from Johor, Malaysia, said that he was amazed by this tournament. According to him, by looking at the involvement of many participants, the competition will be fierce and participants will give their best abilities to achieve the best scores.
“We have prepared well, of course. "The team and I hope to do it optimally so that we can win 1st place in this tournament," he said.
The opening of this competition was attended by the General Chairperson of the Indonesian Petanque Sports Federation (PB FOPI) Prof. Dr. Nurhasan, M.Kes., and his staff, East Java FOPI Provincial Management (Pemprov), East Java Provincial Government (Pemprov), East Java KONI, UNESA leaders, FIKK, as well as petanque trainers and practitioners. [UNESA PR]
Reporter Team: Nelly Najwa/Rafa Afifa
Editor: @zam Alasiah*< /p>
Photo: Public Relations Team Documentation
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