Along the road T3 building is not as usual Monday (29/04) because there are some student works FBS Unesa Fine Arts Education. They are currently exhibiting installation art.
The installation art of art students is very creative and innovative. According to Desi Yulia Purnama the works are very funny and have never been there. I think its still original from the originator of the idea. & Quot; The view along the road of T3 FBS Unesa building is very fun. "We who are from other majors are also interested" said the original Blitar woman as well as Indonesian Language and Literature Education student.
It is the work of students who program Multimedia Arts II course " said Mr. Salamun Kaulam the supervisor of the course. Students are expected to master a variety of non-conventional media in the creation of three-dimensional and spatial art works. "The subject is more familiar to students as an art installation course said Wahyudi a 2010 Fine Arts Education Student.
A similar sentiment was conveyed by this woman from Tuban. His works are very strange. Cook theres a two-horned goat and sticks out its red tongue. But I am also interested because it is funny and there are some who are like real or exist in the real world at this time said Ika Nurul Indah Sari English Education student class of 2011. (Rudi/syt)
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