Unesa graduates get achievement motivation from Anis Baswedan when graduating on March 8 2014 at Bima Campus of Lidahwetan Unesa Campus. "Indonesia really needs young workers to create their ideas so that this country can be more advanced" said Anis Baswedan Chancellor of Paramadina Jakarta who attended the 79th Graduation Ceremony of Unesa. Graduation is not the end of the struggle but the beginning of a devotion. "Young people like graduates will later enrich Indonesian gait" he stressed. Anis as he called said that the Indonesian people really need help in terms of bright ideas. "The corruption case at the Constitutional Court was revealed due to the courage of young people to investigate without the slightest fear" he added. Thats still a small example. In the real world of devotion young people must be brave with full responsibility and honesty.
The 79th graduation is held in two days. The following division. On Saturday morning March 8 2014 the graduation procession was intended for graduates from FIP (368 graduates) and FBS (184 graduates). Then Saturday afternoon on the same date participants will be joined by Postgraduate (224 graduates) FMIPA (150 graduates) and FE (164 graduates). On Sunday morning March 9 2014 graduated graduates from FIS (155 graduates) FT (313 graduates) and FIK (150 graduates). (yy / syt)