Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA—The Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Surabaya State University (FISIPOL UNESA) held a scientific workshop on Thursday (27/06/2024) at the Midtown Hotel Surabaya. This activity presented an adjunct professor from the Sultan Idris University of Education Malaysia, Prof. Dr. Mohd. Hairy Ibrahim.
Chair of the Fisipol internationalization team, Moh. Mudzakkir, S.Sos., M.A, said that the manuscript workshop was held for the internationalization process of proceedings and articles that had been produced by the lecturers. In its implementation, the lecturers have prepared draft articles which are ready to be submitted to the proceedings of the International Conference on Social and Low Income (ICSL).
After the workshop, the lecturers immediately worked on the manuscript while consulting with the adjunct professor. Apart from that, he is also preparing manuscripts that will be published at ICSL 2024. "We hope that with this activity, fellow lecturers can be helped in publishing manuscripts and articles in reputable journals," he said.
On that occasion, Prof. Hairy Ibrahim explains how to write a manuscript well. According to him, there are two ways that can be done, namely using secondary sources of problems that will be written according to the scientific scope of each lecturer and the results of research or research can be in the form of a conceptual manuscript or research manuscript.
“In manuscript research (research manuscript) there is a methodology and scientific scope, while in conceptual manuscripts (conceptual manuscript )There is no methodology or scientific scope or it is free," he explained.
Meanwhile, the writing style (style of manuscript writing), he continued, also has differences between manuscript research and conceptual manuscripts. These differences become references or discussion material related to citations. "Currently, manuscript citations can easily be found online on various journal platforms," he explained.
According to him, the idea of a new issue needs to be written in accordance with the provisions of each knowledge field. For example, on the topic 'Challenges of a New Industrial 4.0' which can be studied from the angles of communication, security, environment, education and political science. This can make researchers think about how development towards industry 4.0 can develop in line with the flow of technological developments that are bringing changes to rural and urban areas. "On this topic, researchers can explore issues and write about them in manuscript form," he said.
In fact, the essence of manuscripts is to convey or transfer knowledge from academics to the public. Apart from that, researchers together with their staff can also publish the results of their writing in online media or newspapers. "Academic writing in the form of manuscript proceedings or ebook chapters can be submitted to indexed journals such as Sinta and Scopus," he explained.
Head of the Fisipol internationalization team, Moh. Mudzakkir hopes that this workshop can provide a good space for lecturers so that the discussions that have been held can increase knowledge and improve the quality of manuscript writing by university academics. "We hope that this activity can help Fisipol in producing and publishing manuscripts that are good in terms of quantity and quality," he concluded.
Reporter: Fionna Ayu Shabrina (FMIPA)
Editor: Basyir Aidi
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