Unesa.ac.id, Surabaya - In teaching and accompanying PPG students when studying online there is an experienced stories by lecturers and tutor teachers. As the story from Wartini, one of the pamong teachers who had the opportunity to accompany PPG Unesa students in the 2020 Position. The teacher from SMKN 1 Sidoarjo told how he loved teaching PPG students from 3T (Lagging, Leading, and Outermost) areas.
"After accompanying PPG students many new things that we never actually knew for real that it really happened. The average PPG student in our school is on average from the 3T area. Sometimes I can talk about how to make learning tools like this, how to analyze the Core Competencies (KI) of Basic Competencies (KD) Syllabus and so on. In fact, PPG students who participated in PPG, especially those from the 3T area, were less than once in preparing learning management," said Wartini when giving a speech in the preparation of the Final Report on the Implementation of PPG in 2020, Sunday (13/12).
According to Wartini, if they are considered as educators it is already good, because of his loyalty to be not only a teacher, but also an educator. In addition, Wartini added that the difficulty level of students in the 3T area is certainly not like in big cities such as Surabaya and some areas.
"They never thought about how to prepare the device, but what they first thought about was how their students would want to learn and have the motivation to go to school. That story that had made me feel and very grateful because I was in sidoarjo," he said.
Furthermore, he told me that many things may not be known by lecturers and tutor teachers after accompanying just realized that the system of implementing PPG online is a lot of time and effort.
"I was on the phone at 11 p.m. just asking about how KI KD is and how to analyze it. So we should give appreciation to teachers for providing 25 hours for 4 months," he added.
In addition, some teachers such as himself experienced teaching hours that clashed between teaching in schools and accompanying PPG students. According to him, the tutor teachers also need to overcome the obstacles experienced by students, plus also have to answer the problems of PPG students.
"If I think it is better to teach my students in school than PPG students," wartini said to laughter from the participants.
However, there is wisdom gained when accompanying PPG students during pandemics like now. Because it must be implemented online, it also needs to learn and know about LMS (Learning Management System).
"There are many new things that I can learn this time, such as the use of LMS applications that are not as easy as we imagined. Hopefully next year if PPG is still implemented online there are significant changes related to the inputs that have been discussed earlier," he concluded. (Suryo)
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