One of the lecturers who exhibiting his artwork is Winarno taking the title of Symbolic Consumptive round-shaped paintings with a diameter of 150cm. According to the man born in Bantul one of his paintings was inspired by soft drink cans. The drink can is likened to a consumptive symbol he wants to criticize consumptive life not only on excessive spending but peoples lives especially in the area of West Surabaya which is increasingly dominated by malls "Whereas I used to work there are still a lot of reeds and rice fields. two years of community life contaminated with malls " said Winarno. He added that in the past the people of the area accepted what they were because the consequences of consumptive life made many people especially factory workers protest not because of stomach problems but because they wanted to buy consumptive things like jeans with brands and high prices. The round shape is inspired by global life in accordance with the current lifestyle. According to him this exhibition is to test the courage of the lecturers work when compared with the work of students " More interesting than students or vice versa? & Quot ; said Winarno. This art exhibition will be continued at Bentara Budaya Bali on July 9 to 18 2011. Followed by 13 lecturers namely Chrysanti Angge Djuli Djatiprambudi Doddy Durjanto Dwi Prasetya Eko AB Oemar Imam Zaini M. Satat Muchlis Arif Nova Kristiana Salamun Kaulam Sulbi Prabowo Tricahyo and Winarno. [Putri & amp; Tirta_Humas]
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