Unesa.ac.id, Surabaya-The Faculty of Social and Legal Sciences of UNESA held its 100th undergraduate and diploma program in the Hall of Srikandi Building on Thursday (2/18/2021).
There are 190 students who participated in the activity virtually. In addition, also all faculty leaders as well as kaprodi selingkung FISH as well as representatives of the judiciary who attended offline. The theme is "FISH Unesa graduates are ready to adapt in the new normal era to success and independence".
Dean of FISH UNESA, Dr. Totok Suyanto, M.Pd. in his speech said that as a fish graduate must be armed with two things, namely academic aspects and character aspects. "The learning process does not stop until the confirmation of this judiciary alone, but must continue. Whether it is by studying advanced education, entering the world of work or entrepreneurship," said Totok Suyanto.
He continued, competition in the world of work is increasingly competitive as the pace of free market competition is increasingly fierce. Therefore, Unesa graduates must be armed with academic ability, skills and competencies in the field of expertise. "With that provision, it can increase confidence in competing with thousands of graduates on the job market or in multinational and even international companies," he said.
In addition, UNESA FISH graduates must have multiple intelegence. One of them is strong leadership skills, collaboration and communication skills. Most importantly, too, it can be adaptable and flexible. Keep learning and always learn from anyone, so that knowledge continues to grow.
"That's a privilege for our graduates, and I believe FISH graduates are competent, qualified and superior," he added. "The university's work is inseparable from the role of the alumni, therefore maintaining good relations," he said.
Vice Dean of Student Affairs and Alumni of FISH UNESA, Bambang Sigit Widodo, S.Pd., M.Pd. said that the best FISH graduates of this period both faculty and study programs were achieved by Fradhana Putra Disantara with a GPA of 3.82 and a PKM score of 3,235 points from S-1 Law. As an appreciation, the best graduates are awarded a charter award as well as a sum of cash.
"Keep learning, all have the ability, have the opportunity to excel wherever they are. Be proud of Unesa's parents, family, alma mater, and nation everywhere through useful works," he said. (juris/zam)
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