Unesa .ac.id Surabaya - Deputy Chancellor for General and Financial Affairs Suprapto S.Pd. MT opened the Leadership Training program directly which was attended by the Secretary of the Unesa Secretary and Headquarters (25/07). This activity is a form of honing the leadership spirit in the personalities of the participants.
Suprapto said that this program must be followed as well as possible. Of course it is expected that after participating in this program all participants can bring up the spirit of leaders who dare to make decisions be firm can evaluate themselves and master themselves in facing problems.
& ldquo; This is a breakthrough that must be done by universities to improve leadership abilities in all levels of university officials. Unesa must change and there must be a significant jump. I hope that after this activity all participants can implement what has been obtained into their work system & rdquo; said Suprapto.
The activity which took place at the Good Morning Indonesia High School in the next four days the participants will be given material related to being positive self-assessing self-confidence self-strength and others related to capacity building leader soul. This is all done to build a solid and dignified institution. (Why/tni)
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