Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA - The implementation of the ASEAN Para Games XI 2022 is only a few days away. Therefore, the State University of Surabaya made a number of preparations and finalized various resources in various sports (sports). In badminton, for example, UNESA held the 3rd International of Webinar Sport Exercise: Towards Asian Para Games XI Indonesia 2022 last weekend.
As resource persons, there were experts such as Prof. Dr. Shamsul Azhar Shah, Ph.D., Chief Classifier World Para Badminton, Rima Ferdianto, S.T., Deputy Secretary General (Wasekjen) NPCI and Dr. Mochammad Purnomo, M.Kes, Head of the Division of Sport Science Satinov UNESA.
Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs and Alumni, Dr. Agus Hariyanto, M.Kes., said that the activity was part of the preparation to welcome the Southeast Asian sporting event. "We support this sport together, hopefully it will run smoothly and the best sons and daughters of the country can give their best for red and white," he said.

According to him, sports parties, both disabled and the general public, cannot be distinguished. The sports caste is the same, the prestigious is the same, the goals and objectives of the organization are the same. "Everyone has the opportunity to develop and achieve achievements, including friends with disabilities who in Asian and world sports events always achieve proud achievements," he said.
He added that disabled friends can be the best version of each of them while breaking all the impossibility that has been pinned to them so far. "We are indeed focused on developing the world of sports in Indonesia, including sports for people with disabilities," he said.
Prof. Shamsul Azhar Shah gives an overview of the classification of badminton. He explained that in sports, athletes are grouped based on the level of activity limitation due to disease to a certain extent, similar to grouping athletes based on gender or weight.
The classification aims to minimize the impact of interference on athlete performance and sporting excellence. In addition, so that the competition is fairer and the event is more competitive. He added, athletes who are eligible to compete in the sport are grouped. The reason is because sport demands different activities, the impact of injury on each sport is also different.
Furthermore, another benefit of classification is knowing classes and practices. After getting used to the sports class, athletes can see the strengths and weaknesses of the opponent. "Training according to limitations, especially for coaches, knowing what to improve under conditions of limitations, the knowledge behind those conditions is very important," he added.
There are three classification steps that need to be known. First, the athletes are classified by groups that work together in groups of two or three groups. Second, evaluate an athlete with a classification panel that considers the athlete's process, injury and evaluation. Third, meet the minimum criteria for sports and classes suitable for athletes.
In addition, there are qualifying distractions in badminton competitions. “These disorders such as hypertonia, ataxia, athetosis, limbs and others. Health conditions that cause hypertonia are not limited to cerebral palsy (CP), stroke, brain injury, multiple sclerosis,” he said.

Rima Ferdianto said that the Asean Para Games XI Solo 2022 will start at the end of July 2022, involving approximately 2,000 athletes and officials. In addition, as many as 11 countries were involved in the 14 sports that were competed. The prestigious sports venues are Surakarta, Semarang, Karanganyar and Sukoharjo. "Indonesia itself is targeting approximately 104 gold medals. This is our common target and hopefully it will be achieved through hard work, our shared commitment," he hoped. [UNESA PR]
Author: Madina
Editor: @zam Alasiah*
Photo: Unesa Public Relations Reporter Documentation
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