The Community Service Team which consists of several lecturers of the Unesa Psychology Department produced a discovery entitled "The Application of 8-D Music to Overcome Anxiety of Unesa Students Affected by the Covid-19 Pandemic". This idea was originated from the identification of the anxiety level of Unesa students who were affected by Covid-19. The lecturers involved in the team are Dr. Miftakhul Jannah, M.Si, Dra. Hermien Lakmiwati, M.Psi, Nurhayati, S.Psi, Ph.D, Dr. Damajanti Kusuma Dewi, M.Si, and Ira Darmawanti, P.Si, M.Psi.
Dr. Miftakhul Jannah, M.Si, Head of the Community Service Team said that Unesa students from all over the region can listen to this music as a form of therapy in the midst of the pandemic. Before the activity took place, students were given an explanation in advance about 8D music and how the music aplplies. Furthermore, students will listen to the music through an earphone.
"This activity will last for 8 days, online, and divided into two sessions. Session one will be held on 3-6 August 2020. During the 4 days, students will listen to the music instrument. The second session will be held on September 7-10 2020. For 4 days students will listen to nature music," he explained.
Furthermore, Miftakhul Jannah explained that this activity can give positive impact on students. He added that music that can be used to reduce anxiety during the Covid-19 pandemic condition.
This activity received a good response from students. Silviatus Sholika, one of the students who took part in this activity said she was satisfied of the event. According to her, the music is useful for reducing anxiety levels. Likewise, Ratna Rama Danti said she was happy because this event provided many benefits and new knowledge about anxiety and 8D music. (Community Service Team Lecturers/Public Relations Team)
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