Unesa.ac.id-Surabaya, The Unesa Student Creativity Program for Entrepreneurship Team made an innovation called LOSCO. This innovation is a black solid product that is used as a food flavoring substitute for MSG. The team consisted of Sayyidah Anni'matus Sakdiyah Allathifah (S1 Physics Education Department), Linda Fransiska (S1 Physics Education Department), Nila Apriliyanti (Physics Education Department), Rosyida Husniyah (Physics Education Department), and Nissa' Nur Fitriani (S1 Biology Department).
LOSCO (Black Solid as a food flavoring substitute for MSG) is a product in the form of a powder used as a food flavoring substitute for MSG made from pure natural ingredients, so it is very safe for health. The raw material for LOSCO is in the form of black squid ink which is often discarded by the public. Apart from natural ingredients, LOSCO has many benefits compared to MSG which is a chemical product, such as the high protein content, properties to increase appetite, adds a savory taste, contains vitamin A, and acts as an anti-tumor and cancer agent.
"Apart from the main ingredient of squid ink, LOSCO is also processed with several selected spices which will add to its delicacy. This LOSCO product has two flavors; chicken and beef,” explained Sayyidah Anni'matus Sakdiyah, the head of the team..
Flavoring plays a very important role in every food in order to increase the taste of the food. Seasoning, commonly known as MSG (Monosodium Glutamate), is no stranger to both adults and adolescents. All circles like to use flavoring for food.
There are various types of flavoring. Some of them are derived from animal and vegetable ingredients, which of course added with some chemicals. Various trademarks of MSG have been widely known in the community, such as Ajinomoto, MSG, Micin, Sasa, Miwon, and so on (Maidawilis, 2010).
Based on a survey conducted by the Indonesian Monosodium Glutamic and Glutamic Acid Factory Association, consumption rate of MSG in Indonesia increased from 100,568 tons in 1998 to 122,966 tons in 2004 or an estimated increase of 1.53 grams/person/day. The results of research conducted by the Indonesian Ministry of Health in 2013 showed that MSG consumption in Indonesia reached 77.3% of the population. This number is quite large, in fact, Indonesia is the second country after China with the highest MSG consumers.
According to Andi Wijaya (2018), excessive consumption of MSG can cause damage to several parts of the body such as the heart, skin, respiratory system, digestion, vision and nervous system. It is very possible that long-term consumption of MSG can trigger the formation of cancer cells.
The survey results above indicates that MSG has a bad impact on health, so the Unesa Student Creativity Program for Entrepreneurship Team made an innovation called LOSCO (Black Solid as a Food Flavoring Substitute for MSG) which is more healthy and natural. (PKM-K/PR Team)
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