Unesa.ac.id., SURABAYA—The use of ChatGPT in the world of education is still a polemic and causes controversy. At Surabaya State University (UNESA) the artificial intelligence or AI chatbot is used to maximize research.
For this reason, UNESA's Directorate of Innovation Rankings and Scientific Publications is holding an AI for Education Workshop: Using ChatGPT to Analyze Research Feasibility (State of the Art) on the 8th Floor, Rectorate, Friday, 20 October 2023.
As a speaker, the organizers presented Prof. Dr. Eng. Wisnu Jatmiko, S.T., M.Kom., from the University of Indonesia. The professor at the Faculty of Computer Science explained that ChatGPT or what could be called Generative Pre-training Transformer is artificial intelligence which works using a conversation format.
A person can ask this type of AI a question and automatically get an answer in no time. "AI development does not exist immediately, but has a journey that starts from year to year and is not immediately successful, in fact many users are disappointed about the expectations of creating AI itself," he explained.
There are several dangers that come from AI like ChatGPT is becoming popular these days. Apart from creating malware, ChatGPT can create phishing emails, in the world of work it can trick recruiters, and in the educational sector it will give inaccurate answers.
There are many functions obtained from ChatGPT such as helping to create theoretical background understanding, helping users in conversations, such as answering questions, providing information, even asking questions back.
This certainly makes ChatGPT have a positive side in helping students and students to discuss a topic. "The use of AI cannot be blamed, because at prestigious campuses abroad, ChatGPT is a necessity for them in studying," he concluded.
Must pay attention: Do and Don't 't
In the world of education, before using ChatGPT, there are several things that need to be considered, such as having a strong basic understanding, which can be obtained through formal learning, such as that taught in universities.
With this foundation, using ChatGPT can be an alternative that has the potential to improve academic abilities and hone more critical thinking skills.
ChatGPT can be used to discover ideas, problems, or research gaps. Able to search for research frameworks and writing frameworks. It can also help understand the narrative or translation, including ending quotes and references.
Regarding this last point, he continued, it cannot be arbitrary, because the AI chatbot cannot find closed sources such as paid journals, therefore it needs to be validated again.
"There are several mistakes or things that should not be done "What campus people do with ChatGPT is that it is not used to write the first draft of an article, nor is it allowed to write letters to submit to international journals," he explained.
In Indonesia, other adjustments need to be made so that the use of ChatGPT can be optimized in the educational context, taking into account the characteristics and needs of the Indonesian education system.
Vice Chancellor for Research, Community Service, Innovation , Publications and University Rankings, Junaidi Budi Prihanto, S.KM., M.KM., Ph.D. said the use of artificial intelligence such as ChatGPT has always been in the spotlight, especially in the fields of education and research.
The existence of ChatGPT is often encountered by users and even pupils and students to help complete the tasks given.
"Of course this brings a number of positive and negative aspects which play an important role in its development so that after the activity "This process can enable artificial intelligence to be utilized to the maximum extent possible," he explained. []
Reporting Team: Yustika Anggiana/Muhammad Dian Purnama
Editor: @zam Alasiah*
Photo: Public Relations Team Documentation
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