Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA-The State University of Surabaya held a coordination meeting (rakor) to strengthen the transition of status from Public Service Agency Higher Education (PTN-BLU) to Legal Entity State University (PTN-BH) at the Rectorate, on Friday, March 11, 2022.
The coordination meeting was attended by leaders from universities to faculties as well as from the heads of bureaus and units within UNESA by inviting the Designer of Legislations, the Legal Bureau, the Secretariat General of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology, Tasriyal and the Drafter of the Law, Anggri Yogo W.
On that occasion, the Chancellor of UNESA, Prof. Dr. Nurhasan, M.Kes emphasized that this event was held to perfect the UNESA design towards PTN BH, “Hopefully the explanation from our presenters today can be an enlightenment to finalize the existing preparations. Everyone must move quickly and be adaptive in this process,” said Nurhasan.
This event is prioritized to perfect the draft regulations because after being a PTN BH, UNESA has the authority to formulate its own regulations, including those related to the opening of new study programs. The Rector's regulations that are set later can also become stipulations, therefore they must be prepared completely and carefully.
“This is what is called a university according to a legal entity. The essence of the Rector's regulation is very important, therefore it is very important to build policy-based regulations," said Tasriyal.
In addition to material and explanations about existing regulations such as MWA, rector and SAU regulations, in this event there were also discussions from the presenters and the division of teams to speed up the preparation of regulations as well as coordination with the presenters to perfect the designs made by UNESA. [UNESA PR]
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