Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA—Surabaya State University (UNESA) is committed to ensuring that all faculties and units reach the integrity zone. For this reason, the campus with the motto 'Growing with Character' held assistance in filling out the Integrity Zone Evaluation Worksheet at the Rectorate, Lidah Wetan, Surabaya, on Monday, September 11 2023.
This activity was attended by the reform team at the university level and the team UNESA's faculty integrity zone. This event was opened by the Vice Chancellor for Research, Community Service, Innovation, Publication and Ranking, Junaedi Budi Prihanto S.KM., M.KM., Ph.D.
He said that the evaluation of the Integrity Zone was benchmark in determining the level of integrity in an agency. Academic integrity has an important role in the implementation of national education.
At UNESA, the faculty that holds the Integrity Zone is the Faculty of Social Sciences and Law (FISH). The hope is that in the future other faculties can also enter the same zone, namely integrity. "All faculties are expected to reach an integrity zone or achieve the status of a corruption-free area and good governance," he said.
Deputy Dean II, FISH, Indah Prabawati, S.Sos, M.Si., emphasized that the Integrity Zone requires a joint commitment from the entire academic community. This is also applied at FISH, so that it can get this title.
"In 2022 there will be tens of thousands of units that register as integrity zones, but only 835 units will succeed in getting "WBK (Corruption Free Area) and WBBM (Clean Bureaucracy Free to Serve Area) certification," he said.
He showed FISH's progress from 2017 to becoming an Integrity Zone; starting with development planning, appointing FISH as a pilot project at UNESA, to completing the evaluation worksheet from the internal assessment team.
There have been many efforts to achieve the integrity zone, he continued, one of the things FISH has done is carry out FGDs, workshops on strengthening integrity zones and coordinating the readiness of all levels.
"We at FISH have the facilities and infrastructure to develop talents and interests such as developing communication skills, leadership, organization and student creativity programs. That is also important," he explained .
After the material session, participants were divided into several mentoring groups guided by the FISH team. There is a change management group, structuring governance, structuring the HR management system for personnel, strengthening accountability, strengthening supervision, and improving the quality of public services.
In the special assistance group to improve the quality of public services, it was emphasized that faculties must have innovations or breakthroughs such as applications as a form of improving services. At FISH, there is the 'SIDILAN' application or Service Digitalization Information System. [*]
Writer: Lina Lubaba
Editor: @zam Alasiah*
Photo: Public Relations Team Documentation< /p>
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