Prof. Dr. Muchlas Samani Chancellor of Unesa confirmed 5861 new students at Surabaya State University on the Ketintang Campus soccer field (29/08). All new students participated as participants. They line up according to their respective faculties. Unesa Chancellor appealed to Unesa students in general and new students specifically to maintain the student code of ethics. "The code of ethics made by students must be followed by students as well" he said. The code of ethics is written that students must be honest not plagiarism and not cheat when working on assignments.
On the occasion of the inauguration of new students all the deans were present members of the university senate and heads of departments. They followed the ceremony until it was finished. Then the group visited the Unesa Student Activity Unit (UKM) exhibition.
PKKMB at Unesa lasts for one semester it aims to provide knowledge and assistance to new students. Therefore the Student Executive Board (BEM) also helped assist the younger siblings of new students. (Zaen/syt)
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