Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA-A number of outstanding students from various faculties collided with ideas in the grand final of the UNESA 2022 University-level Outstanding Student Selection (Pilmapres) on Saturday, May 21, 2022 on the 11th Floor of the Rectorate Building, Lidah Wetan Campus, Surabaya. They fight for the champion as outstanding students.
The students who entered the grand final are the best students and have won various achievements which of course have passed the selection stage from the department to faculty level. The number who passed the university level were 14 academic undergraduate students, 6 applied undergraduate students or D-4 students.
“Their achievement portfolio has been assessed. Whether it's academic achievement, non-academic, recognition and achievement in the field of student affairs. Participants have also taken the English Proficiency Test to measure their English skills. Then a national insight test was also carried out. Today the participants presented written ideas and presentations to determine the winner," the Head of the UNESA Pilmapres Committee, Dr. Warju, S.Pd., S.T., M.T.
In his remarks, the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs and Alumni Dr. Agus Hariyanto, M.Kes., emphasized that it was very important to hold the Pilmapres. Important for students is also important for universities. This activity is a place to train and equip students both in terms of hard skills and soft skills.
“The challenges ahead are not only hard skills, but also soft skills. This is what we need to emphasize through this activity," he said.
The vice chancellor, who loves tennis, continued, one of the things that was trained through the selection was self-confidence in facing anything. Ability that is not supported by self-confidence is difficult to develop. Therefore, self-confidence must be continuously trained. “Show confidence with the abilities that you have. Show the jury that you are capable and the best," he said.
From that confidence, comes the courage to face problems and challenges. From that courage, innovation and creativity emerge to overcome and answer existing problems.
"This achievement doesn't just happen. The younger siblings are trained to look for and formulate problems around them, then look for answers and find out how to solve them,” he said. This activity is to create UNESA students who care and are sensitive to problems, then answer problems creatively and innovatively.
“Sisters who have reached this stage are the best. Show your skills here and at the national level. Be proud of yourself, your family and your alma mater at the national level Pilmapres later. You certainly can and UNESA must be able to. Hopefully the results will be sweet,” he said encouraging the participants.
The grand final was held in 4 categories, baccalaureate, major undergraduate, junior diploma and major diploma. The participants one by one presented their ideas and answered several questions from the jury. As a judge, namely Dra. Sifak Indana, M.Pd., Syafi'ul Anam, Ph.D., and Lina Purwaning Hartanti, S.Pd., M.EIL.
The results of the presentation and the determination of the jury, several names who won the Grand Final of the 2022 UNESA Pilmapres, namely; in the main undergraduate category, 1st place was won by Iqbal Ainur Rizky from S-1 Physics Education. 2nd place was won by Muhammad Axel S-1 Electrical Engineering and 3rd place was won by Mayang Pramesti from Guidance and Counseling S-1.
Then in the baccalaureate category, 1st place was won by Faizzur Rahmattin, S-1 Special Education (PLB), 2nd place was won by Anik Kurnianingsih from S-1 Economics, and 3rd place was won by Affaurina Indriana Safitri S-1 Physics Education.
In the main diploma category, the first position was occupied by Laskar Intifada D-4 State Administration and the second place was won by Silvika Hasnul Khasanah D-4 Catering. While the young diploma category, the 1st place was won by Kartika Ayu D-4 Transportation and the 2nd place was won by Arzetya Fitri Karimah D-4 State Administration.
The winners in the 2022 UNESA Presidential Election will represent UNESA in the central level Presidential Election. The event was attended by leaders of faculties, vocational programs and departments. Activities went smoothly according to plan. [UNESA PR]
Author: Hayu Anggraini
Editor: @zam*
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