Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA—The UNESA Population Student Activity Unit (UKM) in collaboration with the East Java National Population and Family Planning Agency (BKKBN) held the grand final of The Great Population Event IX 2023 online on Sunday, 29 October 2023 . This activity carries the theme 'Towards a Stunting-Free Family for a Prosperous Indonesia'.
A.M Desya Rostyani, Chair of Population UKM said that this activity is expected to increase the community's insight into population issues, establishing relationships between population observers. , and can provide a platform for the younger generation to express their aspirations, innovation and creativity regarding population issues through scientific writing.
The Great Population Event IX 2023 presents two competitions, namely a national essay at junior high school level and a Tiktok video competition national level for students/high school students and equivalent. This competition was attended by 112 participants from 9 provinces. Presenting two judges, namely Ali Imron, supervisor of the UNESA Population UKM and Lailatul Maulidiyah, representative of the East Java BKKBN.
Lailatul Maulidiyah said that the role of the younger generation is very important in realizing the goals of the BKKBN. "I am proud of this activity because we can give birth to a generation that is aware of population issues, especially among gen-z. Continue to compete, because with competition a competitive, creative and innovative generation will be born," he said.
Based on the results of the jury's assessment, it was announced that the first winner in the essay competition was Zafina Anjar Putri, a student at SMP Negeri 22 Surabaya. Second place was won by a student from Bumi Sholawat Progressive Middle School named Sadam Ali Qashmal. And third place was won by Ines Nesiyana, a student at SMP Negeri 3 Tanjung Redeb, East Kalimantan.
The winner of the TikTok video competition was Damaya Yasa Narasti Gava, a student at Surabaya State University as first place, Ahmad Reza Irsyadillah, a student at Surabaya State University, as champion. second, and Sahda Rahmadila, a student at SMAN 1 Pelaihari, South Kalimantan, who won third place.[]
Reporter: Nazilatul Maghfiroh
Editor: @zam Alasiah*
Photo: Public Relations Team Documentation
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