The Cendrawasih dance began a series of 2012 Unesa UKM expo events this Balinese dance was performed by Ni Made Wahyuni from the Department Mathematics and Delia from the Unesa Fashion Department from the UKKH UKM. The dance they performed got appreciation from new students and invited guests. The Unesa UKM Expo this year was attended by 58 UKM in Unesa and opened by Prof. Dr. Muchlas Samani as the rector.
In his remarks Muchlas Samani advised new students to participate and be active in UKM in Unesa. After the remarks the chancellor struck the gong as a sign of the opening of the 2012 Unesa UKM Expo and was greeted with a standing ovation by new students.
A new student enthusiasm was seen in visiting the UKM expo. In fact they immediately registered as members of SMEs at the exhibition site. This UKM Expo took place for 2 days from 29 to 30 August 2012. (Ari / Putri / syt)
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