Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA– Sub-Directorate of Scientific Publication and Conference Management with LPDP Village, State University of Surabaya (UNESA) held an online Scientific Publication Workshop Series one on Sunday, August 27 2023.
The activity which was attended by the LPDP awardees, the general public and lecturers carried the theme "Increasing Scientific Publication Competence for Masters and Doctoral Students for LPDP Scholarships". This workshop started with opening speechby Prof. Dr. Budi Jatmiko, M.Pd., and UNESA LPDP Village Head, Sufyan Suri, S.Pd.
In addition, there were also presenters such as Dr. Binar Kurnia Prahani, S.Pd., M.Pd. After the material, there is also a special mentoring session in the paper evaluation stage that has been selected by a number of reviewers. The accompanying papers include: Dr. Muhammad Satriawan, M.Pd., Abu Zainuddin, S.Pd., M.P.d., and Dr. Rohim Firdaus, S.Si.
In his opening speech, Budi Jatmiko discussed the importance of scientific publications. Lecturers have the responsibility to carry out the tri dharma of higher education, namely education, research, and community service. research activities and scientific publications), and 4 community services including publication of service journals.
“With this activity, we hope that all of you can get mature material to produce many quality scientific publications. This publication is important not only as a requirement for lectures or positions, but has become the responsibility of academics," he said.
UNESA LPDP Headman, Sufyan Suri explained that LPDP encourages academics and researchers to continue to produce innovative research The institution provides research funds that can be submitted by academics or researchers who wish to conduct research.
"Anyone can get assistance from LPDP. For those who succeed in publishing their work in the Scopus journal, they will receive substantial research funding support," he explained.
On that occasion, Binar Kurnia shared how to improve the ability to carry out scientific publications to students receiving LPDP scholarships. “ Citations will be higher when there are more and more papers, the impact of these citations means making the data more impactful," he concluded. encouraging the progress of the nation."Hopefully, those who have an interest in writing will be inspired to go deeper, because there are concrete examples from speakers," he said.[*]
Author: Sindy Riska
Editor: @zam Alasiah*
Photo: Documentation of Public Relations Team
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