Unesa.ac.id., SURABAYA–The Coordinating Ministry for Human Development and Culture (Kemenko PMK) collaborates with the State University of Surabaya (UNESA) to hold a socialization for Digital Cakap Students on Friday, September 15 2023.
Activities which was attended by UNESA Labschool High School students in Auditorium T14, Faculty of Languages and Arts (FBS), Lidah Wetan Campus, was a continuation of the Digital Literacy Camp which was held at the Student Center some time ago.
The Dean of FISH, represented by Silkania Swarizona, M.IP., in his speech said, in the current era of digital progress, someone must become digitally competent. Problems that frequently arise, such as intolerance and radicalism, can be resolved by improving the quality of digital literacy.
The hope is that after receiving this socialization, students will want to learn together to become digitally competent students. Also able to become a representative of digitally skilled students so that they can collaborate with students from other schools to share the knowledge they have gained.
Furthermore, in the material he presented, advances in digital technology have had both positive and negative impacts. However, unfortunately, negative impacts such as addiction to consuming cellphone screens, stress, or mental health disorders arise more often than positive impacts.
In the digital world, people often unconsciously make random comments. hate, body shaming, or other acts of bullying due to not understanding what it really means to learn digital literacy, be digitally competent.
Digital literacy is the ability to access, manage, understand, integrate, communicate, evaluate and create information safely and precisely through digital technology.
For him, life in cyberspace is no different from real life. Both must apply the values of Pancasila. "It's as simple as not insulting other people, respecting other people's religions, not insulting other people's work, these things are still often done unconsciously by people who enjoy social media today," he said.
Becoming a digital society or what is usually called digital citizenship must have three things. First, critical thinking, which means that as a digital citizen you must be able to think critically about what is uploaded or downloaded from the internet.
"When there is information whose truth is doubtful, then someone goes to look and look for information from various perspectives, that is "one form of criticism in responding to a phenomenon," he said.
Second, being safe. Pay attention to security and personal data. Not only in digital security, about posting anything, you also have to be careful. "There are many irresponsible people out there who do not hesitate to misuse our posts for their own interests," he said.
Third, acting responsibility. When you have a great sense of responsibility, you will definitely think twice about sharing something on your social media account. For example, when someone has 200 thousand followers on their social media account, then as a good digital citizen, you must first consider whether something you are going to post will have a positive or negative influence.
On this occasion, women who also The UNESA Political Science lecturer showed a video about a child who failed to get the opportunity for a study exchange to America because his digital track record showed bad treatment of his pets.
"Don't let being unaware when posting something hinder our future. "Most importantly, don't easily post personal data, or boarding tickets for example, there is a barcode that contains all our personal data, and if it is misused it could have fatal consequences," he said.
For your information, after listening to the presentation material from Silkania, participants were divided into four groups for sharing sessions with the aim of deepening material about digital culture, digital ethics, digital skills and digital security.
Dewi Purwanti, M.Pd., Head of SMA Labschool UNESA 1 Surabaya, in his speech said, to overcome sexual violence, acts of bullying, or other negative things in the digital realm, various efforts can be made, one of which is being digitally competent.
Being wise in using the technology they have is a factor. which is big enough to overcome all negative actions in the digital world. "We hope that our students will have digital skills and skills and be wise in using social media. Hopefully this can be an example and encouragement for other students," he said. [*]
Reporter: Fatimah Najmus Shofa
Editor: @zam Alasiah*
Photo: Public Relations Team Documentation
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