On that occasion a "MoU" was signed. about " Good Education Practices Dissemination Program " by Stuart Weston (World Bank Wapik consultant) Prof. Muchlas Samani PhD (Rector of Surabaya State University / Unesa) and Dr. Harun MSi MM (Head of East Java Education Office). East Java is the second province after Papua to disseminate educational practices which is good through "Wapik" because some schools in East Java have been working with foreign donors for good education programs including USAIDs Decentralized Basic Education (DBE).
"Well that good education program has long been granted by the United States Australia and other countries but the dissemination of the virus of good educational practices is less massive therefore the World Bank is involved in the dissemination " explained Feiny a World Bank consultant who guided the workshop.
For the first step according to him his party gathered 62 practitioners from 11 regencies / cities in East Java who were " actors " from good educational practices to write down experiences sharing and finally write down those experiences. "The results of the article were uploaded to the wapikweb.org page to be read and practiced by teachers principals supervisors and education staff in other areas so that the virus of good educational practices will spread throughout East Java" he said.
After that he said his party would accompany similar training in 11 regencies / cities in East Java for three years including Bondowoso Sampang Probolinggo Pacitan and so on. In line with that the World Banks "Good Education Practices (Wapik) consultant Stuart Weston" explained that Wapik had been developed since 2010 but only did "action" starting in 2012.
"We teach practitioners good educational practices to write and become similar agents in their area so that good educational practices can be practiced by others" he said.
He gave an example of good educational practices and was written on the " Wapik " including inspirational learning educational management innovations updates in teacher education transparent RAPBS management committee involvement reading angles 15 minutes of silence at school and so on.
" Everything is on the Wapik page and just to be studied. to emulate and develop. For matters that need to be asked can contact 62 education practitioners who become our agents in the area " he said.
"So the movement of good educational practices will start from the bottom through the virtual world (pages) both writing photos and videos (youtube) then spread throughout East Java and even throughout Indonesia &"; said the professor who is also the East Java UN Supervisor Coordinator. (Suyatno-Humas)
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